Those two aptitudes … His talents and aptitude for affairs impressed John IV. Turner's syndrome does not affect intelligence, although persons with the condition have poor spatial perception and mathematical aptitude, often accompanied by learning disabilities. How can I put and write and define aptitudes in a sentence and how is the word aptitudes used in a sentence and examples? and to Greek raids from the sea,' was of no high technical efficiency in any 1 The possession of one modern ship, the" Averof, "gave to the Greeks material superiority over the Turks at sea, and the maritime traditions and aptitudes of their race a certain moral advantage. From her early years she showed great aptitude for study, an ardent and enthusiastic spirit, and unquestionable talent. He displayed very early a taste and an aptitude for mechanical contrivances. The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historial usage. key talents. self-referential aptitude test... test page, with detailed solutions! He was not a fine scholar, in that restricted sense of the term which implies a special aptitude for turning English into Greek and Latin, or for original versification in the classical languages. The old oratorical tastes and aptitudes find their outlet in public recitations and the practice of declamation. 2. Those who are said to have genius have acquired some special aptitude by which they render the general shapes of the nation their own work, one in one point, another in another. ROBERT EMMET (1778-1803), Irish rebel, youngest son of Robert Emmet, physician to the lord-lieutenant of Ireland, was born in Dublin in 1778, and entered Trinity College in October 1793, where he had a distinguished academic career, showing special aptitude for mathematics and chemistry, and acquiring a reputation as an orator. The band may have been through some changes but their song writing aptitude and catchy hooks remain untouchable. Seems I had a natural aptitude for applying behavioral models to criminal cases. The democratic character of the assembly of Basel was the result both of its composition and of its organization; not only was the number of prelates in it always small in comparison with that of the doctors, masters, representatives of chapters, monks or clerks of inferior orders, but the influence of the superior clergy had all the less weight because, instead of being separated into "nations," as at Constance, the fathers divided themselves according to their tastes or aptitudes into four large committees or "deputations" (deputationes), one concerned with questions of faith (ldei), another with negotiations for peace (pacis), the third with reform (reformatorii), the fourth with what they called "common concerns" (pro communibus). It is often the case that a person has a group of aptitudes that fit together and helps them succeed at specific tasks. Aptitudes and want of aptitude, which are innate and constitutional, are transmitted to offspring, but not the results of experience, education and training. aptitude test section created by expert reading.. . EXAMPLE SENTENCES FROM THE WEB He there found that all his aptitudes inclined him to the life of an artist, and he determined to live by painting. aptitude v ability (It's just the same thing ). At an early age he showed remarkable aptitude for acquiring languages, but straitened circumstances compelled him to earn his own living. In his childhood he showed a great aptitude for languages; according to his own account he knew Latin, Greek and Hebrew at six years. We use cookies to enhance your experience on our website, including to provide targeted advertising and track usage. key capabilities. His talents and aptitude for affairs impressed John IV. 271. This unification meant for the army the absorption of contingents from all parts of Italy and presenting serious differences in physical and moral aptitudes, political opinions and education. Adam Johnson. aptitude meaning: 1. a natural ability or skill: 2. a natural ability or skill: 3. natural ability or skill: . So the first task Pierre had to face was one for which he had very little aptitude or inclination--practical business. For example, like ambitions differ from a person's different perspective and aptitude. I intended to make you the companion of some powerful politician at some point, but you showed an incredible aptitude for learning when you were quite young, he explained. Trained in a hard school, he showed a precocious aptitude for war and government. She administered my aptitude test. Some interviewers take the questions a step further, requiring you to fill out one or more personality tests, intelligence tests or aptitude tests. Once known as the Scholastic Aptitude Test, the exam underwent many changes during its evolution. The old oratorical tastes and aptitudes find their outlet in public recitations and the practice of declamation. Available at most college career centers and also online, career aptitude tests assess your skills and interests and analyze results to provide recommendations for vocations or fields of study that might appeal to you. His rather inelegant style belies a fantastic natural aptitude. His father began to teach him Latin, but ceased on discovering the boy's greater inclination and aptitude for mathematical studies. They brought with them from China their aptitude for the organization of secret societies which, almost from the first, assumed the guise of political associations. Here are a few aptitude test questions to practice to give you an understanding of what real aptitude tests will be like. Nutrition Aptitude Test. All students who enroll in the program go through an audition process and must show aptitude within the particular area of the arts they plan to study. Stanford-Binet intelligence scales-A device designed to measure somebody's intelligence, obtained through a series of aptitude tests concentrating on different aspects of intellectual functioning. scholastic aptitude Test Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) The SAT is a test that is quite challenging. He was educated in the Jesuit college at Parma, and showed at first a great aptitude for mathematics. He early showed a remarkable aptitude for learning, but had a pronounced aversion for pure rhetoric. BARCHESTER TOWERS ANTHONY TROLLOPE The lads remain till they are perhaps one and twenty, and have … Aptitudes sentence examples. How can I put and write and define aptitude in a sentence and how is the word aptitude used in a sentence and examples? Look for declining statesmanship, inferior aptitude, genius dying off. In his thirteenth year, encouraged by friends who had even then remarked his aptitude for mathematical and physical science, he entered the university of St Andrews. June, 1998... these reasons, a new test of mechanical aptitude was developed. Scholastic Aptitude Test scholastic Aptitude Test Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) The SAT is a test that is quite challenging. example sentences for aptitude , what is the meaning of, example sentences, how to spell His superiors, seeing his great aptitude for theological study, sent him to the Dominican school in Cologne, where Albertus Magnus was lecturing on philosophy and theology. Sentence Examples From her early years she showed great aptitude for study, an ardent and enthusiastic spirit, and unquestionable talent. Sentence Examples Saul senses in Eliza a natural aptitude for mysticism, blossoming from the way in which the letters seem to appear to her in a vision. His extraordinary aptitude for work secured for him the position of chef de cabinet under Paul Bert, the minister of education, in 1881. aptitude for computing may continue to diplomas in computer applications or Geographical Information Systems. Translate Aptitude. Tierney was a shrewd man of the world, with a natural aptitude for business. The officers of the have one great advantage which British officers are without; when on shore they are not necessarily parted from the service, but are employed in their several ranks in the differentdockyards,escaping thus not only the private grievance and pecuniary difficulties of a very narrow half-pay, but also, what from a public point of view is much more important, the loss of professional aptitude, and of that skill which comes from unceasing practice. I have created a web portal for conducting aptitude tests in a variety of fields. highlighting skills. Aptitude tests are coducted by various boards inorder to check your arithmetical capability. In fact, even with some of the hand wash items, it may prove safer to dry clean if you are unsure of your aptitude when it comes to the care of more fragile garments. Then he entered the Ecole Polytechnique, and passed in 1832 to the Ecole des Mines, where he developed an aptitude for experimental chemistry. Aptitude upright Bags are the best replacement bags for your quality Aptitude upright vacuum. From their supposed aptitude to imbibe and retain odours, their powder was the basis of various perfumes, such as the celebrated " Poudre de Cypre " of the hairdressers, but their employment in this respect has long since been abandoned. To splendid beauty and activity of person he joined a winning charm of temper and manners, a tact for all societies, and an aptitude for all accomplishments. While many people have a natural aptitude for training others, it's a good idea to provide those selected to serve as OJT trainers with formal "train the trainer" training. The immediate effect was to make him enormously rich, his wealth being increased by his natural aptitude for business until, after the death of his mother in 1821, his fortune was reckoned at some 8,000,000. Examples of Aptitude in a sentence The aptitude test will identify your strongest areas in math. 172. The town-bred soldier of the eastern states was a thoughtful citizen who was determined to do his duty, but he had far less natural aptitude for war than his enemy from the Carolinas or his comrade from Illinois or Kansas. With many early evidences of literary capacity and political aptitude, J. existing paramedics with the necessary aptitudes should be encouraged to progress to PEC status and conversion courses would therefore be required. The Scholastic Assessment Test (SAT) that high school students take during their senior year is a good example of a multiple aptitude … Examples of aptitude in a sentence The aptitude test will identify your strongest areas in math. To be a chemist, one needs more than just an aptitude for conducting scientific experiments. Multiple aptitude tests are designed to measure two or more different abilities. 9. All Rights Reserved. The balance of subjects were often weighted towards a child's aptitude or current interests. He was singularly fitted for intellectual debate, but his devotional tendency was equally strong with his logical aptitude. All Rights Reserved. Fluid intelligenceis the ability to solve problems in novel domains where you have … While, under the control of Europeans, the Tongans have shown some aptitude for administration, they fail when left to themselves. Bodily infirmity, combined with mental aptitude, were eventually considered to indicate a theological vocation; he was, in 1584, placed at the seminary of Adelberg, and thence removed, two years later, to that of Maulbronn. They do not represent the opinions of Genius coming from reason and imagination, rarely. Twenty-two authorities used some form of test of musical aptitude. Aptitude Test Sample Questions and Answers Free Aptitude Test Questions and Answers. Before undertaking the management of a modern apiary, the bee-keeper should possess a certain amount of aptitude for the pursuit, without which it is hardly possible to succeed. The well-educated Egyptian officer, with his natural aptitude for figures, does subordinate regimental routine carefully, and works well when supervised by men of stronger character. 用aptitudes造句, 用aptitudes造句, 用aptitudes造句, aptitudes meaning, definition, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by The most important aspects of any job include its location, salary and your aptitude for its requirements; however, you should also choose a career path that you find meaningful. essence skills. I have a special aptitude for the army. They have little to do with knowledge or culture, or education, or even interests. Aptitude in a sentence 1. From his earliest childhood Galileo, the eldest of the family, was remarkable for intellectual aptitude as well as for mechanical invention. They do not represent the opinions of Learn more. See 4 authoritative translations of Aptitude in Spanish with example sentences and audio pronunciations. defined as character traits or interpersonal aptitudes that affect your ability to work and interact with others The student is evaluated to ascertain academic aptitudes and capabilities. 46 more results not shown. And, if you find you have no aptitude for the craft, at least you won't have spent a lot of money. He had shown a remarkable aptitude for computer crime. Success in a career depends on aptitude and interest. The Electrical Aptitude Test is another test that looks for a specific aptitude. From her early years she showed great aptitude for study, an ardent and enthusiastic spirit, and unquestionable talent. Welcome to our free aptitude test practice questions.. For example, many pharmacy schools use the Pharmacy College Admission Test (PCAT) to look for "abilities, aptitudes, and skills that pharmacy schools have deemed essential for success in basic pharmacy curricula." Self-referential aptitude test... test page, with detailed solutions ! The aptitude test may have determined your ideal career is a doctor - but it doesn't know if you are terrified of blood. The teachers must not belong to any congregation, and must have a diploma of aptitude for teaching and the degree of licenci. Each week, the contestants compete in a challenge testing some aspect of drag queen aptitude. key professionals. The mother must realize her child’s grade is not based on his aptitude but rather on the fact he rarely turns in assignments. He was transparent in character, chivalrous, kindly, firm, eloquent and sagacious; his purity of motive and unselfishness commanded absolute confidence; he had originality and initiative in dealing with new and difficult circumstances, and great aptitude for business details. Customer Service aptitude Testing Discover more about customer service aptitude testing.. . Reading Evaluation and Assessment Reading comprehension and phonics online education aptitude tests for free! However, the plans that are ideal for your homeschooling student will depend largely on the child's aptitude. But this superficiality was accompanied by such wonderful acuteness within a certain range, by such an absolutely unsurpassed literary aptitude and sense of style in all the lighter and some of the graver modes of literature, by such untiring energy and versatility in enterprise, that he has no parallel among ready writers anywhere. Annakin (Jake Lloyd) is a young boy who has an aptitude for pod racing and possesses lightening quick reflexes. His abilities were inconsiderable, his character weak, and he was qualified neither for the ordinary administration of public business nor for the higher sphere of statesmanship, and was entirely destitute of that experience which sometimes fills the place of natural aptitude. Sent at the age of ten to the college of Brives, he showed great aptitude for study, but his independence of spirit was so excessive that he was almost constantly in a state of rebellion against his teachers, and was finally dismissed from the school. Aptitudes are natural abilities. He was a man of strong will, of great aptitude for controversy, and considerable learning, and thus exercised a decided influence on, the Reformation. For the tasks of Reconstruction he showed little aptitude. Tikhon, who at first did rough work, laying campfires, fetching water, flaying dead horses, and so on, soon showed a great liking and aptitude for partisan warfare. Emphasizing the function of the teacher, which with the philosophers had been subordinate, and proclaiming the right end of intellectual endeavour to be, not " truth " (a 178eta) or " wisdom " (vo(Pia), which was unattainable, but " virtue " or " excellence " (dper17), he sought to communicate, not a theory of the universe, but an aptitude for civic life. He has a special aptitude for painting. Whereas in some cases we refers aptitude as our interest in any particular thing. A new second lieutenant must have mastered map reading and land navigation skills, and have an aptitude for dead reckoning and terrain association. He demonstrated his impressive intellectual aptitude and capacity for clear speaking, along with some real political savvy. Many examples all from reliable sources. The least that he could expect was a pension or a sinecure place; and, if he showed any aptitude for politics, he might hope to be a member of parliament, a. The successors of the polymath claimed to possess and to communicate, not the knowledge of all branches of learning, but an aptitude for dealing with all subjects, which aptitude should make the knowledge of any subject superfluous. Filter. Aptitudes are natural talents, special abilities for doing, or learning to do, certain kinds of things easily and quickly. All must pass the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery test and pass a military entrance medical exam. Harsh and rough, he compelled admiration for his delight in work, his aptitude in disentangling affairs, his desire of continually augmenting the wealth of the state, and his regard for the public welfare without forgetting his own. Learn Ludwig. The announcement of the apparition of the Virgin to an Indian near Mexico City provided a place of pilgrimage and a patroness in Our Lady of Guadalupe; and the friars ingeniously used the hieroglyphic writing for instruction in Christian doctrine, and taught the natives trades, for which they showed much aptitude. Here he developed special aptitude for linguistic and philological studies. Look at compatibility much like those career aptitude tests you took in school. talent, skill, expertise, expertness, adeptness, aptitude, skilfulness, prowess, mastery, artistry, calibre, accomplishment So Helen Keller's aptitude for language is her whole mental aptitude, turned to language because of its extraordinary value to her. 212. Aptitude sentence examples. Menu. Copyright © 2020 LoveToKnow. Phonics aptitude test section created by expert reading.. . In many cases, only people who meet specific income and educational background criteria or those who have certain skills or aptitudes qualify for free employment skills educational programs. key learnings. (noun) Dictionary ! Aptitude is your natural ability to learn or excel in a certain area. Learn about the importance of verbal reasoning, technical aptitude, mechanical aptitude and math aptitude. They are skilled artisans, bankers and merchants, and are remarkable for their industry, their quick intelligence, their aptitude for business, and for that enterprising spirit which led their ancestors, in Roman times, to trade with Scythia, China and India. Aptitude in a sentence | aptitude example sentences The aptitude test, I mean. They have to do with heredity. It is needless to trace the ordinary routine of his service step by step. Aptitude testing revealed that Bretherton could best serve his country by studying etymology and exterminating, and that became the catalyst for his future career as an exterminator and reality TV star. Over 100,000 Hindi translations of English words and phrases. aptitude. The old oratorical tastes and aptitudes find their outlet in public recitations and the practice of declamation. Trained in a hard school, he showed a precocious aptitude … Musical talent and artistic talent are examples of such aptitudes. The ocean-carrying trade was almost wholly in the hands of foreigners, the government wisely refraining from an attempt to develop an occupation for which its citizens had no natural aptitude. Intelligence quotient (IQ)-A measure of somebody's intelligence, obtained through a series of aptitude tests concentrating on different aspects of intellectual functioning. bored teenagers with an aptitude for getting into trouble Recent Examples on the Web Boston Dynamics advertises the robots’ aptitude … Those two aptitudes likely help you excel in probability and statistics This number includes at least 10 places allocated on the basis of assessed aptitude for Technology. Aptitude found in the understanding and is often inherited. His work in physics concerns us less than any other here; it is, however, not inconsiderable in bulk, and is said by experts to give proof of aptitude. However, when a child is dyslexic, there is often an unexpected difference between achievement and aptitude. Aptitude is your natural ability to learn or excel in a certain area.... For example, you could have an aptitude for math and logic. Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, synonyms and more. But the capacity of resistance of the Greek troops, especially in mountain country for which their aptitude was remarkable throughout these campaigns, enabled them to weather the first crisis; they were reinforced from the left as well as from the rear, and on the night of the 26th-27th the Bulgarians withdrew towards the Jumaya Pass. There is no subject on aptitude in engineering courses. Plural form of aptitude. We tried to list the best first. Life Youth Your. He was not without aptitude for diplomacy, and his intuitive insight and perception of character sometimes enabled him to outwit the crafty politicians by whom he was surrounded. Examples of aptitude in a Sentence The new test is supposed to measure the aptitudes of the students. Examples of aptitude test in a sentence, how to use it. 2. 14. 11 editor-approved samples. My son has no/little aptitude for sport. Wilkinson's preliminary discourses to these translations and his criticisms of Coleridge's comments upon Swedenborg displayed a striking aptitude not only for mystical. I had to take an aptitude test before I began training as a nurse. Ramsay manifested an aptitude for art from an early period, and at the age of twenty we find him in London studying under the Swedish painter Hans Huyssing, and at the St Martin's Lane Academy; and in 1736 he left for Rome, where he worked for three years under Solimena and Imperiali (Ferna.ndi). Napoleon, though he never again worked as he had done, soon freed himself from complete dependence on Marie Louise; and he never allowed her to intrude into political affairs, for which, indeed, she had not the least aptitude. It proves that owners can exercise absolute power irrespective of whether they possess the aptitude to run a company more successfully than its board. Some exposure to programming is useful; alternatively you should be able to show some mathematical aptitude. In general, Aptitudes refers to your skills in mathematical base. You are offline. 137. He has demonstrated a great aptitude for carpentry skills. At the age of fourteen Ricardo entered his father's office, where he showed much aptitude for business. More example sentences ‘They require tact and a deftness that neither government has shown much aptitude for or inclination toward.’ ‘In fact, his was a different kind of mind with an aptitude more for philosophical thoughts and concepts than for literary pursuits.’ To face was one for which he had shown a remarkable aptitude for languages! Only for mystical Key aptitudes ” in context, 用aptitude造句, 用aptitude造句, 用aptitude造句, 用aptitude造句 用aptitude造句. The eldest of the students to her have had a pronounced aversion for pure rhetoric personal! 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