Attempts to disaggregate performance into its component multiple dimensions, and assess the individual impact of each on post-purchase evaluation processes. Delivering such powerfu… Do people in two culturally distinct regions of the United States have different value orientations; and, if so, to what extent do such differences relate to attitudes toward product attributes? In addition, NFCC was unrelated to valuing hedonism, power, universalism, and benevolence, but negatively related to valuing achievement. -from Author. This study contributes to knowledge about the influence of the institutional environment on alliance partner selection decisions for firms domiciled in transition (and emerging) economies. Because of this wide geographical spread there are some other notable differences between these countries, for example Czechs are generally non-confrontational while a Slovak or a Pole will be more straight forward and outspoken with their opinion. the impact of communist ideology on culture in the Central and Eastern European countries focusing on Bulgaria, Romania, and Ukraine, the current state-of-art, and the implications for marketing activities in the region for both western and local marketers. As a result, it is possible to grant more globalized, custom services that would cater to their unique customers. (Workbook, p.17) School canteens can make their own contribution to tackling the problems of global warming and climate change. satellite nation. The method is illustrated with data concerning values obtained in Illinois and Hong Kong. Introduced by the white settler, maize meat is the staple diet of the population of countries in Eastern and Southern Africa, Zambia, for example is capable of producing over 30 million x 90Kgs bags with a marketable surplus of 20 million x 90Kg bags, most of which goes to feed the urban population. NEC Eastern Europe Kft provides “Solutions for Society” that promote the safety, security, efficiency and equality of society. Asia is obviously made up of multiple countries, all with their own cultures. More specifically, it was expected that satisfaction with the car would be the major determinant of brand loyalty and that satisfaction with the service (both sales‐ and after‐sales service) would be the major determinant of dealer loyalty. China and Russia represent major economies in transition from command economies, yet their paths to the market have differed greatly. The analysis concludes that satisfaction is a necessary step in loyalty formation but becomes less significant as loyalty begins to set through other mechanisms. THE COMPLEX RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN CONSUMER SATISFACTION AND BRAND LOYALTY, Culture and Consumer Behavior: Toward an Understanding of Cross-Cultural Consumer Behavior in International Marketing, Social Values and Social Change: Adaptation to Life in America, The Role of Personal Values in Marketing and Consumer Behavior, Information Processing Models of Consumer Behavior, Consumers' Perceptions of the Product. Universals in the content and structure of values: Theory and empirical tests in 20 countries, Comparative Evaluation and the Relationship Between Quality, Satisfaction, and Repurchase Loyalty, Negotiating with Yourself and Losing: Making Decisions with Competing Internal Preferences, Structural Factors in the Economic Reforms of China, Eastern Europe, and the Former Soviet Union, Representing and Testing Organizational Theories: A Holistic Construal, The measurement of etic aspect of individualism and collectivism across cultures, The Institutional Effects on Strategic Alliance Partner Selection in Transition Economies: China vs. Russia, Consumer Choice Between Hedonic and Utilitarian Goods, Shopping Online for Freedom, Control, and Fun, Chinese Cultural Values: Their Dimensions and Marketing Implications, Modeling the relationship between perceived value, satisfaction and repurchase intentions in a business-business, services context: An empirical examination, A Structural Equation Test of the Value-Attitude-Behavior Hierarchy, A Comprehensive Framework for Service Quality: An Investigation of Critical Conceptual and Measurement Issues Through a Longitudinal Study, The Effects of Culture and Socioeconomics on the Performance of Global Brand Image Strategies, A Means-End Chain Model Based on Consumer Categorization Processes, Information Processing from Advertisements: Toward an Integrative Framework, Assessing construct validity in organizational research, The impact of national culture and economic ideology on managerial work values: A study of the United States, Russia, Japan, and China, On the Evaluation of Structural Equation Models, Values and consumption patterns: A closed loop, China: Move over, Karl Marx - Here comes Confucius, The Value Orientations of Minority and Non-Minority Small Business Owners, Differences in "cultural values" and their effects on responses to marketing stimuli. Among the three types of needs identified to be satisfied through apparel (i.e. When I worked at Harrods, a large department store in London, we had a video played to us in our induction by Mohammed Al Fayed who was the owner at the time. What foods could you cook on these days? • With regard to the UK, Nord Stream 2 gas will likely exert structural or pricing effects only, if at all. of relative attitude are identified as contributing to loyalty, along with motivational, perceptual, and behavioral consequences. Heather Merrill investigates how migrants and Italians struggle over meanings and negotiate social and cultural identities. Such cultures include Northern Europe and North America. Increases in income lead to a decrease in the favourability with which own brands are viewed in the Czech Republic – the opposite to the position in the UK. Although loyal consumers are most typically satisfied, satisfaction does not universally translate into loyalty. However, it is important as well to study and compare ethnic identity and its correlates across groups. In this study we attempted to prove whether this relationship really exists. Despite the growth in international marketing, cross-cultural research in marketing has been limited. Because of the great number of perspectives which can be taken on the subject, it is impossible to form a single, all-embracing conception of European culture. The national myths promote standing out of the crowd, choosing and going your own way. Assessing Nord Stream 2: regulation, geopolitics & energy security in the EU, Central Eastern Europe... Heritage and history: Germany’s industrial museums and the (re-) presentation of labour, After the Golden Age: The Future of the Welfare State in the New Global Order. In total, 21.3 per cent of sales came from outside retailers’ home countries (Deloitte, 2009). In a subsequent experiment, these findings were extended to hypothetical choices in which the acquisition and forfeiture conditions were created by manipulating initial attribute-level reference states instead of ownership. Non-wage benefits, corporate ownership and firm performance in post-communist economies: evidence fr... Understanding Failure in International Retailing: An Institutional Framework for Future Investigatio... Marketing Implications of Communist Ideological Legacy in Culture in the Context of Central and East... Hyalomma marginatum marginatum (Koch, 1844) in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The utility of the distinction is illustrated. The definition of Eastern Europe is affected by the socioeconomic, cultural, geographical and geopolitical factors. Poland is the biggest country in Eastern Europe with about 38 million inhabitants followed by Romania with a population of 21 million, while the other countries have much smaller populations: Czech Republic and Hungary about 10 million, Bulgaria 7 million, Slovak Republic 5 million, Lithuania 3 million with the smallest one being Estonia, which has a population of around 1 million people. The education system is more or less the same across most Eastern European countries: for example, they all offer the possibility of changing school after the first 5 years of study to either a grammar or technical school. Similarities in Eastern European business culture. Though the structure of business meetings is similar, negotiating styles vary even though the hierarchical system is strictly observed; Poles and Estonians are more formal and written-detail oriented while Slovaks and Czechs prefer a good presentation and a longer negotiation process. Also, while closing transactions at web sites is one important e-commerce goal, companies should not lose site of the continuing importance and power of their web site as an information and communications vehicle. Social media usage is high amongst individuals across the region with many SMEs also trying to incorporate it into their marketing strategy, but the level of uptake is at a level that is not yet comparable to that of Western and Northern Europe. The relationship of ethnic identity to various demographic variables and to self-esteem was examined. Great Britain, then in other European countries. Leading companies do. The company’s strong, data-led focus on customers helps Verizon maintain an edge when it comes to innovation and delivering against market needs. m. marginatum was given by Omeragic (2011). Businesses have the ability to leverage their own first-party customer data – which is the most reliable and valuable data source – to personalize customer experiences. The three different types of customer satisfaction and the intention to buy the same brand of car again, as well as the intention to buy from the same dealer again were measured. Developing and managing brand image is an important part of a firm's marketing program. Between self-directed values and social affiliation values, self-directed values were the underlying determinant of needs to be satisfied by apparel products. A theoretical framework that integrates all individual product benefits into seven general motivation classes, for the purpose of formulating brand strategy. Orthodox Jews do not eat pork or shellfish. The impact of the AIDS-pandemic on the social and economic structures will grow to very large dimensions in some countries. Collectivism – individuals are part of a group and the needs of the group come before the individual. Better understanding of differences can help hotels integrate the different needs more effectively in their products and service offerings. While all cultures work in teams, the meaning of the team can be very different. Originality/value – The originality of the paper relates to its study of consumer behaviour in one of the emerging markets of central and eastern Europe. This approach enables the measurement of individualism-collectivism in each culture as well as across cultures, and shows that different methods for measuring individualism-collectivism converge. However, goal-oriented motives are more common among online shoppers than are experiential motives. The measure can be used to examine similarities and differences in ethnlic identity and its correlates among youths from different ethnic groups. Heather Merrill is assistant professor of geography and anthropology at Dickinson College. In contrast, the less stable Russian institutional environment has influenced Russian managers to focus more on the short term, selecting partners that provide access to financial capital and complementary capabilities so as to enhance their firms' ability to weather that nation's turbulent environment. However, intense visual contact between two people of the same gender, usually men, signals sincerity and a plea to believe. Shows that the effect of perceived value on repurchase intentions is completely mediated through satisfaction. retailers from Western Europe, and to a lesser extent, North America have led the way (Coe and Wrigley, 2007: 341). The author then discusses the implications for managers marketing brands internationally and the directions for further research. Identify South Africa's main international tourist groups and describe relevant aspects of their cultures and needs as customers. In the paper, emphasis will be placed on the following: general information of B&H (geographic location, climate, land and vegetation), epidemiology, distribution and seasonal dynamic of Hy. It then proceeds to present the other major museums of industrial and labour history in Germany. The present study examined the relative importance placed on social values by women fashion leaders compared with nonleaders in two samples, one from the U.S. and one from the United Kingdom. Hungarian and Estonian languages belong to Finno-Ugric group. This finding suggests that, at least where value appeals are used in fashion advertising, similar appeals stressing the excitement of new fashions may be suitable in both countries. As of mid 1988 over 200.000 persons have clinically manifested AIDS, in addition, 150.000 more cases are expected to occur in the remainder of 1988 and this figure will grow to over a million cases by the early 1990ies. Facebook is the most popular social networking site across all Eastern European countries. At the other extreme, in Chile and the ex-communist nations, wholesale change has occurred against the backdrop of the collapse or destruction of the existing organizational structure. Whilst the country will indeed lose transit fees should the bulk of Russian gas exports to Western Europe no longer flow through the country, it stands to gain in terms of lower gas prices. Customer loyalty is viewed as the strength of the relationship between an individual’s relative attitude and repeat patronage. Research limitations/implications – The sample was limited in size (n=100 in each country). Integrated markets help keeping players that some see as keeping a too dominant market position, such as Gazprom, in check and foster price competition. This article investigates the relationship between consumer satisfaction and brand loyalty. Implications for research and for the management of loyalty are derived. Details a method for uncovering the direct and indirect influences of human values on consumer decisions. In turn, attitudes were found to influence behaviors, as the final phase in the value-attitude-behavior hierarchy. Rotating distributor optimizes air admission. m. marginatum, influences of climate conditions (air temperature, precipitation and relative humidity) in prevalence of Hy. Case 3.1 The Case Of Maize Meat In Africa. Practical implications – The results of the research may help Tesco in relation to its general expansion in central and eastern Europe and its brand building in particular. It is hard to define the exact region covered by Eastern Europe for the absence of its consensus. Today, the cultures of the world can be divided into two main parts such as the Eastern and Western culture. Implications for brand image management for international markets were discussed. Transport, accommodation and food tend to take a smaller bite out of your wallet, without compromising on history, culture, and experience. Furthermore, it was found that the strength of the relationship between different types of satisfaction and loyalty indicators differs markedly between various market segments (private/business use of car and new/used car buyers). savignyi and first finding of Hy. the local elites to move to the cities and break the old cooperative jajmani relationship between landlord and peasant. With the new gasification technology the number of agitators can be reduced to five. A theoretical distinction is made between cultural, demographic, and personal constructs. Attitude to business meetings, how to set up a meeting and greeting people at meetings are very similar too. There are "almost as many definitions of Eastern Europe as there are scholars of the region". The technical and cost effective success of the sulfur separation therefore depends on the function of this agitator. 5. The study's results suggest that China's more stable and supportive institutional environment has helped Chinese firms take a longer-term view of alliance partner selection, focusing more on the potential partner's intangible assets along with technological and managerial capabilities. Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM), Business Culture, Communication Access & Realtime Translation (CART), Startup Management: How to Setup a Successful Online Business, A Job in Dublin : 5 Reasons to Work in Ireland. Western European countries studied by the Passport to Trade 2.0 project are: Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Luxembourg and the Netherlands. In order to do so we examined the case of an automobile‐dealer network. usually occurring in relatively dry and warm regions of southern and eastern Europe, northern Africa, Middle East and Asia. The author examines the brand image-performance linkage for consumer goods in two categories marketed internationally. cultures. On average, the top 250 retailers operated in 6.8 countries in 2007 up from 6.2 countries in 2006 and 5.9 in 2005 (Deloitte, 2009). analysis suggests that consumption consequences are especially culturally sensitive. In addition, periodic use of cultural interpreters helps ameliorate the intensity of some cultural issues. Low Contact cultures stand at a greater distance and generally avoid physical contact. The continent of Europe can be divided into two regions as the western and eastern Europe. Significant changes in market structure will force Gazprom to take choices regarding its market strategy. gas going forward, and its import gap will widen. The present research provided an empirical test of the relations between individual differences in the need for cognitive closure (NFCC) and Schwartz’s ten values. China, boosting a remarkable economic growth in the past two decades, stands out under the spotlight of international business. Similarities in Western European business culture. The main marketing strategies for which this method can yield useful information are: solidifying consumers’ current perceptions and evaluations of the product; and changing consumer perceptions of the product. Chinese cultural values are classified according to Kluckhohn and Strodbeck's taxonomy, and potential marketing implications for each cultural value dimension presented. Taking advantage of the shared aspect of culture, a method is presented that extracts a shared element of subjective culture from cultural samples. The same occurs in East Asia and especially China. market economy. • Energy security concerns over Nord Stream 2 as expressed by East European leaders seem to define energy security exclusively in terms of diversified routes and suppliers. Furthermore, the In other words, a moderator effect of the amount of elaboration upon the relationship between consumer satisfaction and true brand loyalty is expected and found. Russian gas might end up competing with Russian gas but also with gas from other sources. 1.3 Occupational level: This kind of culture comes between the national and organizational cultures; getting into an occupation such as teaching requires the social values acquired coupled with the practices of the organization. Implications for marketing professionals are discussed. However, little research has been done (1) on linking the use of brand image strategies to product performance or (2) on managing brand images in global markets. To explain the satisfaction–loyalty conundrum, the author investigates what aspect of the consumer satisfaction response has implications for loyalty and what portion of the loyalty response is due to this satisfaction component. Team members prefer rewards to be equally distributed, and are very uncomfortable if individuals are singled out for specific contributions. The authors provide a framework and a set of research propositions that capture and extend current theory on information processing from advertisements. The Far East is an example. This includes a brief history of traditional foods in these countries, i.e. Germany, for its part, must urgently make the decision to stay inside NATO’s nuclear sharing program and assign the required budgetary and military assets quickly in order to remain a reliable nuclear partner. Many cultures have laws dictating that women should not make visual contact with men. The questionnaire was administered to 417 high school students and 136 college students from ethnically diverse schools. It is important to acknowledge this environment in order to appreciate the complex political dynamics possibly informing regulatory decisions as taken by EU authorities. Value-based performance excellence model for higher education institutions. Psychology and Marketing 10, 399-412, A need basis for values: Associations between the need for cognitive closure and value priorities, An Alliance Of Women: Immigration And The Politics Of Race, Firearms and the Distribution of Income: A NeoClassical Model. 73 with Hofstede's (1980) collectivism scores for the nine cultures. The culture of a community or a nation depends upon the surroundings, the values and beliefs that they are brought up upon. Medium Contact cultures stand quite close when speaking and will touch on occasion. When these additional factors are brought into account, ultimate loyalty emerges as a combination of perceived product superiority, personal fortitude, social bonding, and their synergistic effects. m. marginatum can be transported over vast distances by their vertebrate hosts, on particular migratory birds and ungulates and can be the most important vector and reservoir of Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever virus, which can result in a severe and potentially fatal disease in humans. In this article, we provide guidance for substantive researchers on the use of structural equation modeling in practice for theory testing and development. The models were tested against actual data, and the resulting predictions were highly accurate. Second, two types of consumer satisfaction are distinguished based on the amount of elaboration upon the evaluation of the brand choice: manifest satisfaction and latent satisfaction. Nord Stream 2 is part of Gazprom’s strategy to minimize transit risk to its prime export market, the EU, for which the company is ready to put down significant investment. Middle East: Middle-Eastern societies, largely Muslim, require less contact than those in the European and American societies. International Journal of Heritage Studies. This article identifies and discusses attributes that facilitate goal-oriented online shopping, including accessibility/convenience, selection, information availability, and lack of unwanted sociality from retail sales help or shopping partners such as spouses. the content and structure of consumer value hierachies. Hy. As hypothesized, we found that people who have more internally oriented and less externally oriented value structures like natural foods more than other people, and these attitudes then lead to behaviors appropriate to the structure. Implications for international businesses are drawn regarding the applicability of multilocal or global strategies for corporate culture. Finally, consistent with the experimental findings, a field survey showed that, relative to market prices, owners of relatively hedonic cars value their vehicles more than do owners of relatively utilitarian cars. Considerations in specification, assessment of fit, and respecification of measurement models using confirmatory factor analysis are reviewed. Individualism-collectivism has a direct effect on communication styles and an indirect effect that is mediated through self construals and values. collected by structured questionnaires from Tesco supermarket customers in the Czech Republic and the UK. The study also finds that perceptions and measured disconfirmation offer several advantages over computed disconfirmation (i.e., difference scores), and that a cross-sectional measurement design for service quality is preferred to a longitudinal design. Between these two regions, a myriad of differences can be viewed regarding the geographical location, culture, economy, etc. These mechanisms, omitted from consideration in current models, include the roles of personal determinism (“fortitude”) and social bonding at the institutional and personal level. Heres to the crazy ones!. dioxide in the flue gas is removed in a lime-based wet scrubbing. Consistent with theories of epistemic closure, this research supports the idea that individual differences in NFCC give rise to values which match and satisfy individual needs to attain or avoid cognitive closure. The patented Wingjet air distributor optimally disperses and makes use of air. ... Why is Eastern Europe called a cultural crossroads? A distinction may be made between the implications for the manufacturer of the physical product and the automobile dealer rendering the service. A disquieting conclusion from this analysis is that loyalty cannot be achieved or pursued as a reasonable goal by many providers because of the nature of the product category or consumer disinterest. Hypotheses are tested using data from in-depth laddering interviews In this article, the authors examine how consumer choice between hedonic and utilitarian goods is influenced by the nature of the decision task. In a typical absorber with 17 m vessel diameter 35,000 N cu m/hr must be dispersed. Disciplines Nursing Comments Lipson, J., … Recognizing the deficiency of definition of culture in cross-cultural studies, this paper presents a conceptualization of culture. Treat your customers as assets that will grow in value. Next, true brand loyalty is distinguished from spurious brand loyalty. To practitioner and researcher alike, consumer values play an important role in understanding behavior in the marketplace. Use Situation. The authors discuss theoretical implications of these reference-dependent preference asymmetries and explore consequences for marketing managers and other decision makers. The relevant literature form cross-cultural psychology, anthropology, consumer behavior and international marketing is reviewed in an attempt to describe the impact culture has on salient consumer behavior constructs of perception, information processing, value systems, and self concept and offer hypotheses for marketing management, Additional implications for key areas of international marketing management are derived. The propeller blades are singly cast and welded with a forged collar. The age of consumers was also found to be significant, although there is no linear trend. Several marketing implications are presented. This study examined the relationship of consumer values, needs and purchase behavior in two Asian consumer markets, China and South Korea. experiential, social and functional needs), experiential needs were the most important needs that influenced apparel purchases of female consumers in both Asian markets. The estimated global retail sale for the Top 250 retailers in 2010 was US$ 3.94 trillion (Deloitte, 2012). With 11 official languages and 8 other recognised languages, the rich culture of each of these groups brings its own vibrancy to our diversity. In teams, the meaning and relative importance of cultural background in their 3.1! It was expected that all three needs parts such as the Western and Eastern Europe is a part. Promote standing out of the Middle Eastern culture singly cast and welded a..., gift-giving behaviour, consumer satisfaction and brand loyalty in prevalence of Hy for! Of sales came from outside retailers ’ home countries ( Deloitte, 2012 ) occurs... 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