Armor Class 12 Hit Points 22 (5d8) Speed 30 ft. Creatures cannot benefit from anything lower than total cover if you're in the air attacking them, and you have advantage against someone who has no cover as long as you're in the air. Consider yourself proficient in your Kagune giving you Attack stat + proficiency to add when making a weapon attack with your kagune. Reactions: Nikosandros. Kagune have their own separate healthpool from yours based off the type you choose. If you have a Chimara Kagune you must pay double to RC Cells for regeneration and gain health for both Kagune but you do not gain Your Con Mod addition unless you pay the RC Cells that would usually let you Double your Con. When consuming other food, you must succeed a DC 15 Charisma saving throw or Performance check, your choice. Current theories surmise that this condition is similar to the essence loss caused by the implantation of cyberware—in short, the discrepa… Your movement speed also increases by 10 ft. It mentions the demonic pact and ultimate salvation by the elven gods but gives no further information. The hitpoints for your Kakuja Kagune is now 3/4 of your total hit points + double your level. HMHVV (or Human-Metahuman Vampiric Virus) is a retrovirus that achieves its full virulence and power only in a magic-rich environment—such as post-Awakening Earth. Your Kagune can generate kinetic energy rapidly, allowing you to spend 10 RC Cells to cast Fireball in a third level spell slot nonmagically. (E.x Rinkaku and Koukaku, 4 RC Cells for 1d10 + 1d12 Healing, or 8 Rc Cells for 1d10 + 1d12 + Con Mod). Ghouls are scavenger creatures that live in graveyards and traditionally feed on the flesh and blood of the dead. Master of Disguise.A darakhul in a prepared disguise has advantage on Charisma checks made to pass as a living creature. It's basically a mash-up of a Thief and a BX-style race-as-class, meant to replace the playable Ghoul option presented in Lost Carcosa and operate … Kobold Press is raising funds for Empire of the Ghouls: A 5th Edition Campaign vs. the Undead on Kickstarter! Having multiple tails attacking at once gives you advantage to hit, this ability to use multiple tails to gain advantage on enemy's only exists on the rinkaku. You will be also able to sort the list as you want. Hit: 6 (2d4 + 1) slashing damage When you gain this feature, you gain 1d4 extra hitpoints for each level of the ghoul class level you take. Little do people know that a Ghoul cares the most for their friends and family, using their strange powers to protect them at all costs. You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background: As a Ghoul, your diet is comprised of three things, Humanoids, Coffee, and water. Some ghouls are born with two different Kagune, granting you two choices in what Kagune your ghoul can use. Ghouls require 1 medium sized humanoid per 1d12 + Constitution modifier days, otherwise, they will attack the nearest humanoid and attempt to kill and eat them on sight. Certain ghouls choose to live as a hermit, living by themselves, separated from society, only associating themselves with ghouls briefly to hunt for prey. Box … Variant: Intelligent Doctors You can run a variant of this subclass that replaces Wisdom with Intelligence for all Medicine checks and class features, if you prefer your doctors to be more Intelligent than Wise. this new form you take can be broken if an enemy takes you down to half your max health (Rounded Up ), Being force out of your form exhausts you making you use up 5 RC Cells turning back, You can also turn back to your original self for no cost. Whatever you want to call it and whatever the reason behind their curse they must consume the flesh of humanoids to … Weapon (dagger), rare. 3 days before they require food, they must succeed a DC 12+1 each day they do not eat Constitution saving throw at the end of combat. the Rinkaku will then need to be at 1/4 max health for it to be used in battle again after breaking). Ghoul Corpulent Ghoul (Variant Shrine-Blessed Human Dread Ghoul Rogue 6) Ghoul Bat (Skaveling) Ghoul, Aquatic (Lacedon) Ghoul, Bonepowder Ghoul, Cinder Ghoul, Dust Ghoul, Ghast Ghoul, Imperial Ghoul, Iron Ghoul, Leng If you want to put a … Skills Deception +3, Stealth +5 Damage Resistances necrotic Damage Immunities poison Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, poisoned Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 11 Languages Common, Darakhul Challenge 3 (700 XP). Ghouls usually wear a mask when hunting in order to keep their identity a secret. You have the choice between Rinkaku, Koukaku, Bikaku, and the Ukaku. Your movement speed is increase by 20 ft.You gain a +3 to all attack and damage rolls using your kagune. Learn how to send gifts to other people using D&D Beyond, and discover the best digital D&D gifts of 2020 in this buyer's guide to the holidays! You gain any abilities that humanoid/Creature haed, and you cannot by physically or magically distinguished from the original and you unless they can read your mind. Variant Rules Legal Information 5e SRD >Gamemastering >Monsters & Foes >Monsters By Type >Undead > Ghouls Variants Emperor of The Ghouls Ghoul, Beggar Ghoul, Bloated Ghoul, Bonepowder Ghoul… Ghoul is a term used to describe a minion created when a vampire gives a bit of vampiric vitae to a mortal without draining him or her of blood first (which would create another vampire instead). Disease—bite, Fortitude DC 12, incubation period 1 day, damage 1d3 Con and 1d3 Dex. Like many of the monsters appearing in the 5e Monster Manual, bullywugs have been hopping around since first edition. Strength or Dexterity can be used for this Kagune. You cannot use a shield or armor if you want to gain this effect. When something is searching for you, you gain advantage in stealth checks to remain hidden from there sight. There AC is yours minus 2 unless stated otherwise. With this kagune activated you take half falling damage. In an instant the boys head hits the ground as blood drips off the appendage sitting above you. The Ghoul. Everything You Need To Know About Grappling in 5e Grappling is easy in D&D 5e! Updated with Phylea reccomendations A scheme of the dark gods against humanity. It's basically a mash-up of a Thief and a BX-style race-as-class, meant to replace the playable Ghoul option presented in Lost Carcosa and operate … Your Dexterity score increases by 2, and your Wisdom score increases by 1. From the introduction: Ghatanothoa is the god of ancient Mu. If they fail the save, they suffer one of the effects in the short term madness table located in the DMG for 1d10+15 minutes. If you fail to meet the RC Cell requirements to use your Kagune, It retracts back into your body. The lore given Finally, choose the Hermit, Charlatan, or Sage background. For every turn you have this Kagune released, it cost 2 RC Cell to maintain its form, otherwise it deteriorates and retract back into your body. You bend down next to his body, and begin sampling your banquet. Anytime you gain hitpoints, you can choose to have your Kagune regain them instead. All who know of it fear it, because any in its presence, or even those who encounter a true likeness of the god, become desiccated mummies in a most horrible fashion. The variant features should not influence feats at all. See the README or the wiki for help. 5 variants for bullywugs for Dungeons & Dragons fifth edition. You get a +1 to attack and damage rolls with all Kagune while this form is active and a +1 to AC. You may do this a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus per long rest. Most loxodons are Your size is Medium.Speed. Three times per day after you damage an enemy you can force them to make a DC 10 Constitution saving throw. Human name generator - Dungeons & Dragons This name generator will give you 16 human names fit for the various types of humans in the Dungeons & Dragons universe. Actions Bite: Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. I really liked the idea when I saw this creature, but I'm playing 5e so I had to attempt to convert it over. Hitpoints equal to 1/2 your total hitpoints (rounded up) + 2 HP for each level you take in the Ghoul class. They must be deployed simultaneously, and you must meet the RC Cell requirements for both kagune every turn. Your tail/s can propel you through water giving you movement speed equal to your movement speed when swimming. 1 Awakened Chuul 1.1 Primeval Relics 1.2 Powerful Crustaceans 1.3 Memories of Service 1.4 Awakened Chuul Names 1.5 Awakened Chuul Traits "They never cared for me, not even once. At level 3, your hardened skins provide defense against most types of trauma, granting you an Unarmored Defense of 10 + Constitution modifier + Dexterity modifier. Variant: Demon Summoning You can give a molydeus the ability to summon other demons. This last for a minute. Well, you should! Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + Constitution modifier For any athletic or acrobatic check, you can spend 4 RC Cells to gain both advantage and double proficiency bonus for that roll, and you can spend 6 points to automatically pass a grapple check to grapple or resist being grappled, When a creature misses an attack against you, as a Reaction, you can spend 2 RC Cells to take an immediate movement action. Actions Multiattack: The harpy makes two attacks: one with its claws and one with its club. A summoned mephit appears in an unoccupied space within 60 feet of its summoner, acts as an ally of its summoner, and can't summon other mephits. You can only receive nourishment from human flesh. A cinder ghoul can, however, make slam attacks, retains its natural armor bonus, and all supernatural attacks. In 5E? Although other gaseous creatures can issue under the crack of a door, a cinder ghoul cannot. A humanoid who becomes a ghoul in this way retains none of the abilities it possessed in life. The beginning of the race of ghouls is a mystery. At level 3, your above average RC Cell count manifest into added deadly limbs, granting you a magical natural weapon. RC Cells are the fuel for Kagune. if your Kagune reaches 0 hitpoints, it retracts into your body until regaining health equal to the above statistics using the Kagune's healthpool instead of yours. While under these effect, they do not gain the benefits of Extreme Recovery.Languages. The save DC is Charisma-based. If your Kagune has multiple attacks, then you can use all of them for each attack action (E.x if you have Rinkaku tails, and you have this feature, you can attack a number of time in one atack action equal to the number of Rinkaku tails you have, you can then do it again on your second attack action). Your Constitution score increases by 2, and your Wisdom score increases by 1. We’ll start things off the old-fashioned way with a bullywug king/queen who lords over all the bullywugs and a bullywug … On a failure, you vomit. Dungeons and Dragons (D&D) Fifth Edition (5e) Monster - Ghost - A ghost is the soul of a once-living creature, bound to haunt a specific location, creat... Ethereal Sight. Tools: Disguise kit Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Templates October 1, 2007 Cross-Breed Templates Page 4 Cross-Breed Templates Cross-bread creatures have one “normal” parent and one parent from another plane of existence. Each creature you choose within a 15ft cone of you must pass a Dexterity save of 10 + your Dexterity modifier + proficiency or take damage equal the number of shards you can fire in one atack action. It costs 8 RC cells to activate this form, activating this form is a bonus action. Join our server for announcements, updates, and feature voting.. Use Foundry?. Once one tail takes part in an attack, it cannot be used to attack until the beginning of your next turn. The bonus spells are fine, but once again keyed off a dump stat, and offer good utility but do … When in contact with human blood or hungry, their sclera becomes pitch black, with their iris and veins becoming more prominent and bright red. this should last you another few weeks. Your Kagune can expel RC Cells to repair damaged tissue, allowing you to spend 10 RC Cells to cast Mass Healing word in a 3rd level spell slot nonmagically. Ghoul- Renaming a Class and Adding a Custom Path for Barbarians in Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition. This evolution can be attained if the hobgoblin enjoys and consumes a huge quantity of rotting corpses. If you regenerate a limb during a long rest, you do not replenish Hit points, Hit dice, or spell slots. Your Kagune regains all hitpoints after a long rest. Surgeon v1.1. • Age. When someone makes a Perception check to discern your location, they make it with disadvantage. While having high defense, this Kagune is incredibly heavy. Doresain was an elf worshipper of Orcus who ate a bunch of dudes in order to honor his lord. Medium undead, chaotic evil. You can spend 10 RC Cells to give yourself the spell haste nonmagically, but after it's duration has ended so does your Kajuja form. I once had a few of my tentacles ripped from my face during a fight to defend my aboleth, and it merely berated me for taking so long to kill the monster." The “basic” form of the virus. A ghoul appeared as an emaciated, roughly humanoid creature with an almost-hairless mottled, decaying hide stretched tight over its bones. It takes 2 RC Cell per turn to maintain this Kagune's form, otherwise it deteriorates and retracts back in your body. you get out of bed and walk to the front door of your little cottage. We went back and forth quite a bit on how exactly to manifest this as a playable concept. The Ukaku takes the form of hard, bloody, crystalized wings coming out of the upper back. I would default to "only new races", but I … A humanoid who dies of ghoul fever rises as a ghoul at the next midnight. After making it to the fountain in the center of town you see him turn left toward the entrance. E.x this would mean that with a strength of 20 and a ten foot running start you could jump 120ft Horizontally with the effects of jump on you. Despite these differences, all vampiric variants created by the base strain suffer from chronic essence loss. No? Ghouls appear as any normal human, save for one feature; their eyes. The size and weight of your Kagune wears you down. Can I contribute? You are at this for about a half hour before you find someone. Variant ( – ) – This is your baseline aasimar from the DMG. At lvl 11 due to the power of your mutated RC Cells, you are considered to have the Powerful Build feature and are counted as one size larger when determining you ability to carry, push, pull or lift objects. I used a bunch of online resources in an effort to make this conversion make more sense. these are all things to consider when making a Ghoul. Once you take an Action to release this Kagune, You gain the following advantages. For 4 RC Cells, as a Reaction you can cast the spell Shield nonmagically, having your Kagune form a protective barrier around you. This new limb enhances the musculature of your body allowing You to move as if constantly under the effect of the jump spell. Ghouls are born from other Ghouls, except in extremely rare cases, and age and die at the same rate as normal humans.Alignment. When you take a Bonus action to release your Kagune, you gain +15 to your walking speed and a 10ft flying speed. An afflicted humanoid who dies of ghoul fever rises as a ghoul at the next midnight. Consider using this race’s respective class. The only thing that can kill a ghoul is decapitation or complete destruction of the head. Bashing their brains in works as well. The ghost can see 60 feet into the Ethereal Plane when it is on the Material Plane, and vice versa. Ghoul is one of the next evolution right after a hobgoblinreaches level 100. 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