No subgroups listed. Cannot get Mashonaland East location id in module mod_sp_weather. Boswall Andrea, Boswall Oliver, Brits Nardus, Carey Caitlin, Chiwawa Micheal, de Chassart Natalie, Denton Jack, Dreyer John, Ewart Shannarea, Faber Murray, Fisiri Tiwirai, Hanly Philip, Hanly Richard, Hawgwood Jack, Heathcote Storme, Impey Michelle, Ker Sam, Kwesha Georgie, Mandivenga Brendon, Mudzinganyama Munashe, Mungwari Scholastic, Mupfeka Laurriette, Raulinbach Blake, Saul Taryn, Utsiwegota Panashe, wutawanashe Asaph, Zinyengere Kudzai, Adamson Duncan, Adamson Michael, Bibby Shannon, Borges Aldair, Brown Ethan, Broxham Cole, Broxham Reace, Cragg Joshua, Gunn Mark, Joughin Christopher, Kropp Johan, Moodie James, Moodie Mathew, Moolman Daniel, Root Christopher, Weeks Garry. 08 00 PHB & PHG Rowing ABC Regatta (Mazowe), 08 00 PHB Full School Chapel (Choral Eucharist), 13 30 PHB Tennis v Hellenic 1st; U16 (h) U14; U15 (a), 14 00 PHB & PHG Debate & Bridge (tbc) v St John’s (PHG), 13 30 PHB Mash East Tennis U19 (h) U15 (Watershed) tba, 14 30 PHB & PHG Table Tennis v Westridge (Westridge), 04 00 PHB Tennis 1st & Cricket departs for Falcon, 07 30 PHB & PHG Cross Country (Lomagundi), 13 30 PHB Waterpolo U17; U15Collins Cup/Fred Wilson (Falcon), 14 00 PHB Cricket v Falcon 1st - 2 day game (a), 08 00 PHB Tennis 1st Team Falcon Tournament (Falcon), 08 00 PHB Waterpolo U17; U15 Collins Cup/Fred Wilson (Falcon), 08 00 PHB Basketball Top 8 Feb Fever (St John’s), 09 00 PHB Cricket v Falcon 1st; As (a) 2nd; 3rd; Bs (h), 08 00 PHB & PHG Rowing RAZ National Champs, 08 30 PHB & PHG NASP Archery Tournament (St John’s Prep), 09 00 PHB Cricket v Falcon 1st; As (a) 2nd; Bs (h), 20 00 PHB & PHG A Block, Vth & VIth Form Musical Auditions, 15 00 PHB & PHG Debate & Bridge (tbc) v Watershed (a), 19 30 Mission Week Final Concert (Venue - tba), 09 00 District Interzonal Athletics (tbc), 14 00 PHB & PHG Table Tennis v PE (Hre Girls High), 14 00 PHB & PHG Swimming Inter. Chiminya Moses, Doig Jade, Dongo Chelsea, Du Toit Leana, Gibson Shay, Impey Sian, Mufuka Myra, Maya Naledi, Mutsonziwa Andrea, Steyn Tyla, Steynberg Andrew, Worswick Simon, Zee Robert.Leavers of 2006Ballance Dylan, Banga Tatenda, Bradshaw Catherine, Bramford Claire, Burl Ryan, Chinamasa Mary, Christen Kiara, Desai Nikita, Hawgwood Emily, Hendrickx Tamara, Lindsay Shirley-Anne, Lock MMichaela, Maberly Stephanie, Maberly Thomas, Malahleka Nyasha, Matinhire Kudakwashe, Mattison Kate, Mhindurwa Moses, Moetsabi Rodney, Motsi Rutendo, Mugabe Kundai, Muller Luke, Shaba Valerie, Stijkel Kelly, Tidy Richard, Wells Duncan, Whitaker Ryan, Agiotis James,Bentley Siobhan, Chiwawa McMillan, Comberbach Reece, Connor Justin, Curran Thomas, Johnson Micheal, Matongo Tsungai, Mhandu Corrine,Nhema Belinda, Perlman Andrew, Preston Gina-Leigh, Purcell-Gilpin Peter, Potgieter Charl, Raynor Emily, Steyn Bradley, Thixton Ashley.Leavers of 2007Boswall Andrea, Boswall Oliver, Brits Nardus, Carey Caitlin, Chiwawa Micheal, de Chassart Natalie, Denton Jack, Dreyer John, Ewart Shannarea, Faber Murray, Fisiri Tiwirai, Hanly Philip, Hanly Richard, Hawgwood Jack, Heathcote Storme, Impey Michelle, Ker Sam, Kwesha Georgie, Mandivenga Brendon, Mudzinganyama Munashe, Mungwari Scholastic, Mupfeka Laurriette, Raulinbach Blake, Saul Taryn, Utsiwegota Panashe, wutawanashe Asaph, Zinyengere Kudzai, Adamson Duncan, Adamson Michael, Bibby Shannon, Borges Aldair, Brown Ethan, Broxham Cole, Broxham Reace, Cragg Joshua, Gunn Mark, Joughin Christopher, Kropp Johan, Moodie James, Moodie Mathew, Moolman Daniel, Root Christopher, Weeks Garry.Leavers of 2008Agiotis Dillon, Baker Icola, Banda Chiko, Banga Zvashe, Bradnick Ash, Browell Jed, Chasara Tanyaradzwa, Christen Heidi, Eastwood Gemma, Gunda Miriam, Hofmeyr Jordaan, Hough Jessie, Jakaza Tatenda, Lapham Nicholas, Maberly Matthew, Mabika Sam, Madzikanda Rutendo, Mashumba Kundai, Mowat Ian, Mutuke Mufaro, Philp Olivia, Stijkel Ben, Tafa Zviko, Taylor Jordan, Van Heerden Rebecca, Wells Camroon, Zinyama Ngoni, Brent David, Butchart Harry, Carter Rachel, Chidakwa Dubekile, Comberbach Bryn, Curran Benjamin, Evans Garreth, Finaughty Blair, Holloway Thomas, Hufnagel Nils, Kloppers Kristine, Maberly Michelle, Mangundhla Panashe, Mashumba Kombo, Mattison Nicholas, Rousseau Annette, Songore Michael, Thixton Cameron, Wheeler Kyle, Worswick Jamie, ziehl Rozanne, Ziehl Maxine.Leavers of 2009Bentley Lauren, Chironga Makomborero, Cooke Courtney, Cox Georgie, Desai Ketan, Dollar Jessica, Dollar Sammy, Dreyer Wayne, Ewart Talya, Faydherebe Hannah, Gonondo Tendayi, Groenewald Tyla, Gunda Moses, Gwishiri Jennifer, Heathcote Scott, Hough Emma, Johnson Fergus, Malaba Pindile, Manhombo Mudiwa, Matibiri Joy, Mupeti Tarisai, Murape Natasha, Mutuke Rodney, Naaude Lauren, Ross Ryan, Storrer Shannon, Whitcomb Samuel, Zee Theresa, Beadon Michael, Chapman Richard, Chinyanaga kudakwashe, Gaitskell Mitchell, Klostris Fotini, Madzivanyika Danielle, Magner Stacey, Makwindi Munashe, Mason Brooke, Moores Peter, Mudzinganyama Munesu, Myburgh Michael, Nzanga Shalom, Pienaar Hannah, Satande Tariro, Steyn Jason, Taffs Stuart, Tatham Bradley,Wakefield Connor, Yates Sebastian.Leavers of 2010Anschutz Rupert, Baker Sasha, Bartlett Angus, Bibby Sam, Bradnick Carolyn, Brown Chanelle, Chikore Michelle, Coghlan Ciaran, Cooke Tristan, Cox Anna, Curran Samuel, Derera Lisa, Dollar Emily, Dollar Wendy, Havercroft Emily, Herring Dayna, Hlanguyo Shingirai, Hofmeyr Blaize, Malahleka Panashe, Mhete Tadiwa, Mufuka Ritchel, Mukuruva Takudzwa, Rukavina Jose, Saunders Benjamin, Turk Sumayya, Utsiwegota, Zeedeberg Cuan. Baxter Georina, Bell Brett, Browell Sheryn, Chant Lance, Davis Jessicca, Greaves Tara, Hoffman Lenel, Holloway Brandon, Joughin Nicholas, King-Williams Charles,Kloppers Jamie-Lee, Mugabe Chiyedza, Myburgh Sean, Nethersole Scott, Rukavina Nicholas, Stockil Jordan, Wheeler Jordan, Worswick Sarah.Leavers of 2011Banga Catherine, Bartlett Cate, Cullen Joshua, de Chassart Gabrielle, Denton Ella, Dunbar Bryn, Edwards Jennifer, Hattingh Joshua, Hough Christian, Kwesha Tendai, Le Roux Ian, Lindsay Sarah, Maberly Katrina, Maberly Nicole, Magner Tara, Malaba Nomkhosi, Malaba Velile, Meikle Hugh, Mudiwa Tarisai, Pashapa Makomborero, Ross Lauren, Sachiti Rodney, Soltau Sarah-ann, Spies Ryan, Stijkel Emma, Storrer Tyla, Taffs Nicole, Van Breda Aiden, Chiminya Tinashe, Chirombe Rumbidzai, Dawson Emily, Flanagan Catherine, Gardner Mudiwa, Jani Munashe, Kotze Riaan, Lindsay Kieran, Maruta Tanaka, McMaster Darren, Muradzikwa Tanaka, Nyatanga Tinotenda, Pienaar Dane, Rousseau Thomas, Somers-Walters Edward, Songore Irene, Tswatswa PaidamoyoLeavers of 2012Broxham Jessica, Burl Jason, Chikukwa Thabani, Cox Douglas, Davis Jessica, Davis Sean, De Bruyn Minette, Edwards Lindsay, Havercroft Gemma, Jena Kumbirai Kaviya Rufaro, Kennedy Tinkerbelle, Kusena Courage, Lock Georgina, Machokoto Rindai, Moyo Sean, Naude Brendan, Nyatsanza Joshua, Nyika Ruvarashe, Purdon Michaela, Rendell Hamish, Sachiti Lorraine, Soper Jamie, Tandi Vimbai, Yates Sophie, Chimimba Ethan, Chiutsi Lindsay, Crawford Murray, Davies Matthew, Eggersglusz Brendan, Fantiso Tafadzwa, Flight Josh, King-Williams Ashley, Lombard Jack, Tapanum MacDonald, Manikai Tingamirai, Mutsai Maita, Odendaal Tanya, Tasiweyi Stanley, Welman Karl, Wilson CaitlinClass of 2013Barlett Jemma, Baxter Amy, Broxham Dylan, Chibowora Ronald, Chidakwa Chipo, Cooke Daniel, Dawson Bryony, De Chassart Katrina, Denhere Kudakwashe, Dobropoulos Kaliope, Gillwald Ethan, Hlanguyo Tashinga, Hough Megan, Jackson Maryanne, Khuleya Laura, Kotze Corne, Le Roux Duncan, Lindsay Thomas, Loubser Kylie, Makiwa Takunda,Macdonald Nampim, Macrae Shannon, Mahachi Nyasha, Mhete Anesu, Mapesa Kudakwashe, Molai Thabiso, Moyo Kerry-ann, Mungwari Ernest, Musimwa Farai, Nichole Ronald, Nzanga Dennis, Palmer Tyler, Putterill Hannah, Rogers David, Ross Callum, Shaw Keegan, Shoesmith Cullen, Sinemani Zivai, Solanky Vasheel, Songore Rufaro, Stijkel Daniel, Turk Samira, Wekare Cheryl, Whittall Joanna, Wrigley Dakota, Zartmann Michael.Class of 2014Aisam Shanice, Bissett Torrin, Brits Shirea, Broxham Sean, Chanetsa Ruth, Chigogwana Tabonga, Chiponda Audrey, Chitekedza Takunda, Davies Samantha, Faydherbe Isabelle, Garwe Wingrace, Gillwald Allyson, Green Joshua, Hawkins Nicolle, Hulley Jorden, Johnson David, Jones Siobhan, Kloppers Sallie, Lou Xiao, Majengwa Makanaka, Manikai Mudiwa, Masawi Blessing, Mawunga Tanaka, Mpozvori Erykah,Molife Dale, Moran Joshua, Mukucha Sasha, Mupfumi Rutendo, Murengami Michelle, Mutema Chloe, Mutwiwa Denzel, Nyadundu Tinotenda, Pareekh Ria, Paulser Marcel, Rundogo Primrose, Sage  Terance, Schultz Callum, Shoesmith Benjamin, Soltau Murray, Wallace Eggersglusz Holly, Wright Campbell.Class of 2015Basson Nicolas, Bodington Tiffany, Chirombe Tavonga, Chiutsi Tristan, Collett Connor,Daniel Snit, De Kock Reuben, Edwards James,Evans David, Gono Barry, Gundo Nokutenda,Higgs Jayden, Hildebrand Brendan, Kasipo Naledi, Kirkman Anne,Lapham Bridget, Liu Jiaxian, Maberly Mitchell, Mandivenga Rutendo, Mataruse Wayne, Miti Daliso, Molai Rafilwe, Mortleman Daivd, Moscrop Charles, Msiska Chimwemwe, Mudiwa Tanaka,Muneri Tinodiwanashe, Munzeiwa Kevin, Mushaninga Tashinga,Muusha Jemimah,Nyamafukudze Alistair, Palmer Mathew, Rocher Carla, Rogers Sean, Sage Jolyon, Saywood Kyle, Sinemani Tweende,Utsiwegota Anashe, Welman Aidan, Whaley Sophia, Zartmann Kyra, Zinyama Munopa.Class of 2016Anderson Daniella, Baipai Tawana, Baker Lucy, Botha Lindsay, Bramford Matthew, Bowen Cameron, Carter Molly, Chapendama Tamutswa, Chasara Chido, De Kock Meagan, Dobropoulos Nicholas, Erasmus Anya,Ferreira Joshua, Greeff Ayla-skye, Johnson Mark,Jones Connor, Kalweit Kayla,Kwesha Tinashe, Loubser Katie, Madziva Tafadzwa, Makiwa Tashinga, Marimira Princess, Mawunga Makanaka, Moyo Kyle, Mpala Tapiwanashe, Musimwa Idi, Musowe Ngonidzashe, Miti Teris, Mugabe Takunda, Mutsai Shirley, Nhema Dominic, Nyamupingidza Emmanuel, Nyatanga Faith, Page Luanna,Palmer Hannah, Saywood Michael, Shoesmith Genevieve, Steynberg Aiden, Storrer Brad, Tswatswa Rutendo, Wellock Courtney, Whittall  James, Whata Varaidzo, Wilson Lauren, Ziko Tinotenda.Class of 2017Bailey David, Borlase Hannah, Botha Rebecca, Chakumhara Nyasha, Changa Tanyaradzwa, Chirenda Tanatswa, Davis Samantha, Denn Hannah, Dombropoulos Justine, Eggersglusz Josh, Hildebrand Joseph,Kalweit Dean, Khuleya Kuzivakwashe, Kirkman Liam, Machibaya Danielle, Magorokosho Stacey, Makiwa Takomborerwa, Mandaza Takudzwa, Mandimutsira Tadiwa, Mhete Takunda, Mpofu Tanatswa, Mudimu Simbarashe, Mungwari Margaret, Mungwari Sarah, Orphanides Harry, Rousseau Anthony Joel, Schultz Tyla, Shannahan Skye, Stockenstrom Shavaunne, Tippett Jack, Van Rooyen Tyler, Watt Brennan, Watt Mackenzee, Worswick Jack, Xuan Zehong, Young Callum. Chiminya Moses, Doig Jade, Dongo Chelsea, Du Toit Leana, Gibson Shay, Impey Sian, Mufuka Myra, Maya Naledi, Mutsonziwa Andrea, Steyn Tyla, Steynberg Andrew, Worswick Simon, Zee Robert. Peterhouse Girls is led by its Headmistress, Mrs Tracy Blignaut while Springvale House Prep School is led by its Headmaster, Mr Graham Peebles. Senior Pupil Appointments. It has overcome many issues pertaining to race and exclusion of blacks within its ranks staffing issues etc. Banga Catherine, Bartlett Cate, Cullen Joshua, de Chassart Gabrielle, Denton Ella, Dunbar Bryn, Edwards Jennifer, Hattingh Joshua, Hough Christian, Kwesha Tendai, Le Roux Ian, Lindsay Sarah, Maberly Katrina, Maberly Nicole, Magner Tara, Malaba Nomkhosi, Malaba Velile, Meikle Hugh, Mudiwa Tarisai, Pashapa Makomborero, Ross Lauren, Sachiti Rodney, Soltau Sarah-ann, Spies Ryan, Stijkel Emma, Storrer Tyla, Taffs Nicole, Van Breda Aiden, Chiminya Tinashe, Chirombe Rumbidzai, Dawson Emily, Flanagan Catherine, Gardner Mudiwa, Jani Munashe, Kotze Riaan, Lindsay Kieran, Maruta Tanaka, McMaster Darren, Muradzikwa Tanaka, Nyatanga Tinotenda, Pienaar Dane, Rousseau Thomas, Somers-Walters Edward, Songore Irene, Tswatswa Paidamoyo, Broxham Jessica, Burl Jason, Chikukwa Thabani, Cox Douglas, Davis Jessica, Davis Sean, De Bruyn Minette, Edwards Lindsay, Havercroft Gemma, Jena Kumbirai Kaviya Rufaro, Kennedy Tinkerbelle, Kusena Courage, Lock Georgina, Machokoto Rindai, Moyo Sean, Naude Brendan, Nyatsanza Joshua, Nyika Ruvarashe, Purdon Michaela, Rendell Hamish, Sachiti Lorraine, Soper Jamie, Tandi Vimbai, Yates Sophie, Chimimba Ethan, Chiutsi Lindsay, Crawford Murray, Davies Matthew, Eggersglusz Brendan, Fantiso Tafadzwa, Flight Josh, King-Williams Ashley, Lombard Jack, Tapanum MacDonald, Manikai Tingamirai, Mutsai Maita, Odendaal Tanya, Tasiweyi Stanley, Welman Karl, Wilson Caitlin. Bailey Colin,Burr Alison, Coghlan Clare, Edgar Ivan, Hudson Simon, James Lauren, Judson Daniel, Krynauw Dawn, Ledingham Justin, Matambo Bongi, Menzies Niel. 263 79 24951. Wiki.Alumni.NET Map. Marondera, Mashonaland, Zimbabwe . Aims of the Peterhouse Group. The event was reportedly cancelled because it was “not the right time to hold the discussions for the fear of media backlash”. Anderson Daniella, Baipai Tawana, Baker Lucy, Botha Lindsay, Bramford Matthew, Bowen Cameron, Carter Molly, Chapendama Tamutswa, Chasara Chido, De Kock Meagan, Dobropoulos Nicholas, Erasmus Anya,Ferreira Joshua, Greeff Ayla-skye, Johnson Mark,Jones Connor, Kalweit Kayla,Kwesha Tinashe, Loubser Katie, Madziva Tafadzwa, Makiwa Tashinga, Marimira Princess, Mawunga Makanaka, Moyo Kyle, Mpala Tapiwanashe, Musimwa Idi, Musowe Ngonidzashe, Miti Teris, Mugabe Takunda, Mutsai Shirley, Nhema Dominic, Nyamupingidza Emmanuel, Nyatanga Faith, Page Luanna,Palmer Hannah, Saywood Michael, Shoesmith Genevieve, Steynberg Aiden, Storrer Brad, Tswatswa Rutendo, Wellock Courtney, Whittall  James, Whata Varaidzo, Wilson Lauren, Ziko Tinotenda. The official page of the Peterhouse Group of Schools - Boys, Girls, Springvale House, Petreans & Friends. Peterhouse Girls' School - … The Springvale House Alumni is now up and running. July 2014 to present. Springvale House, founded in 1985, caters for 200 boys and girls, a mix of weekly-boarders and day-scholars from Grade 1 to Grade 7. Peterhouse Boys, founded in 1955, caters for approximately 500 boys from Form 1 to 6th Form, all of whom are full-boarders. 08 00 PHB & PHG Rowing ABC Regatta (Mazowe), 08 00 PHB Full School Chapel (Choral Eucharist), 13 30 PHB Tennis v Hellenic 1st; U16 (h) U14; U15 (a), 14 00 PHB & PHG Debate & Bridge (tbc) v St John’s (PHG), 13 30 PHB Mash East Tennis U19 (h) U15 (Watershed) tba, 14 30 PHB & PHG Table Tennis v Westridge (Westridge), 04 00 PHB Tennis 1st & Cricket departs for Falcon, 07 30 PHB & PHG Cross Country (Lomagundi), 13 30 PHB Waterpolo U17; U15Collins Cup/Fred Wilson (Falcon), 14 00 PHB Cricket v Falcon 1st - 2 day game (a), 08 00 PHB Tennis 1st Team Falcon Tournament (Falcon), 08 00 PHB Waterpolo U17; U15 Collins Cup/Fred Wilson (Falcon), 08 00 PHB Basketball Top 8 Feb Fever (St John’s), 09 00 PHB Cricket v Falcon 1st; As (a) 2nd; 3rd; Bs (h), 08 00 PHB & PHG Rowing RAZ National Champs, 08 30 PHB & PHG NASP Archery Tournament (St John’s Prep), 09 00 PHB Cricket v Falcon 1st; As (a) 2nd; Bs (h), 20 00 PHB & PHG A Block, Vth & VIth Form Musical Auditions, 15 00 PHB & PHG Debate & Bridge (tbc) v Watershed (a), 19 30 Mission Week Final Concert (Venue - tba), 09 00 District Interzonal Athletics (tbc), 14 00 PHB & PHG Table Tennis v PE (Hre Girls High), 14 00 PHB & PHG Swimming Inter. Springvale School started (1952 - 1979) by Rev Canon Robert Grinham & Maurice Carver, S Shepherd, M Baynes, M Averoff, G Key, J Ley, I Whitecourt, J Savage, Cleveland-Stevens, M Patton, R Rundle, J Dakin, S Vlismas, G Robin, G Calmeyer, W Heggate, J Honey, D Hutchinson, R Latham, R Gillson, S Wedgewood, S Honey, G Byrom, M Harrison, D Newton, G Scott, J Barlow, D Zacks, J Omerod, B Satterthwaite, H Ferrar, C Holloway, B Clarkson, P Young, M Goode, T Hawkins, C Mercer, R Thomas, C Wiles, T Fischer, C Brook, A Coote, P Steiniger, A Rainer, I Keith, S Newton, P Groenewald, D de Satge, A Feldman, R Crees, A Macintyre, D Omerod, D Poole, N Finneron, M Wimshurst, I Powell, L Nicholle, R Zacks, J Timmis, D Hunter, C Phillips, S Bateman, C Holloway, B Nicholle, J Poole, R Cross, R Arkell, J Brunton, J Fynn, R Fynn, D Keith, C Lonsdale, P Mason, P Nursten, M Patton, C Pybus, W Slack, N Twidale, R Warren, P Slack, G Ormerod, M Baines, C Marshall, J Holman, J Mallet, R Carmichael, R Jenks, C Aikenhead, M Christie, D Bromfield, A Mason, M Samuels, P Shepherd, A Southorn, I Macdonald, G Lawrence, J Arkell, C Batchelor, J Postles, R Meredith, C Marshall, P Finch, G Ormerod, A Scott, M Baird, J Mayrick-Jones, P Martens, K Alexander, C Jackson, N Martin, G Germanis, M Dawe, T Jones, J Evan, I Macdonald, JS Campbell, CI Campbell, A Berrington, C Bott, J Coney, J Dalmer, R Davy, H Few, J Halford, C Hanford, M Hawkings, W Heygate, K Marshall, B Meredith, D Paine, P Pascall, I Phillips, A Gillet, H Gillet, WR Smith, J Stuart, P Tupman, J Arkell, A Johnson, J Evans, C Finch, J Newton-Stuart, A Duke, N Erskine, A Maclaurin, GE Fortescue, C Gough, R Stuart, R Dawson, D Crawley, FN Bruce-Miller, K Calder-Potts, B Christie, P Carey, B Cordy, R Evans, S Field, G Gilmour, C Hamlin, A Harrison, N Hawker, P Hedley, CN Hewlett, I Kind, AD Martin, D Mason, M Nielsen, R Nursten, N Paterson, H Stephens, P Stern, J Stevens, D Upfill-Brown, R Walmisley, R Walsh, B Williams, PJ Williams, J Gage, R Crees, P Roberts, A Barson, R Dewar, J Dickie, I Menzies, G Muirson, A Samuels, S Reynolds, R Evans, D Gibb, J Cooper, J Dalton, R Dawson, C Dryden, R Pascall, J Smith, J Mosdell, J Fairburn, C Proudfoot, S Tennett, N Wollacott, R Wall, M Fisher, H Lamond, A Bailey, P Crees, M Patton, B Crawley, I Van Someren, G Tudhope, J Eager, W Keene, R Staunton, J Hudson, C Small, H Ellis, P Smithyman, S Tennett, P Tennett, O Payne, D Ward, G Acheson, A Bailey, C Bell, I Bruce-Miller, D Burger, H Chevalier, G Cole, P Cooper, J Dare, P Dare, R Darlington, A Davis, N Davis, H Edwards, G Gray, T Green, J Grey, J Howson, J Jenkinson, R Kinkead-Weekes, N Mallett, AM Pascall, M Peterson, AJ Samuels, A Smith, R Smuthyman, D Wakefield, G Williams, J Willoughby, P Wilson, SP Winter, D Wyllie, S Yates, S Pearce, P Honey, S Davis, M Green, C Paterson, P Williams, A Dindwiddie, N Backhouse, C Baird, P Dindwiddie, S Edridge, S Fitch, M Shutte, R Slater, S Atkinson, L Blundell, D Carter, P Crouch, S Davies, I Dawson, G Dolleymore, J Drake, J Duncombe, J Ford, A Graham, S Green, S Harrison, N Horrell, M Kenny, D King, M King, D Kunhardt, P Lavers, A Maclaurin, K Naran, A Nisbet, N Pereira, P Perrins, A Pooley, H Pooley, N Reynolds, R Reynolds, S Sherwood, D Sole, J Sweatman, A Thorneycroft, F Tounsend, A Walker, D Walmisley, B Way, M Wrottesley, R Duncombe, S Graham, C Graham, C Small, R Herkes, G Chadd, P Calder-Potts, P Hallows, G Sanders, J Broadley, J Bromley, R Campbell, D Cornwell, P Dawes, P Drybrough, E Dryden, E Dudley, M Van Beuningen, F Willoughby, S Tennett, J Eastwood, M Emslie, S Gardner, C Graham, J Grant, A Hallows, P King, C Lewis, M May, T Millwarde, R Naylor, B Waldron, C Yates, R Wall, D Fingland, C Nienabar, C Paterson, J Pearce, GK Pelletier, C Ring, P Roberts, G Sedgwick, C Small, I Templeton, B Thompson, J Trivedy, AF Wells, I Dryden, M Pascall, A Shutte, B Tennett, A Campbell, N Gelderblom, E Milford, G Cooper, G Abbey, DJ Aird, N Bhagat, R Broadley, S Carr, JP Crouch, R Cunliff, J Curtis, R de Satge, D Edwards, P Emslie, AW Ford, M Green, J Hampton, W Hampton, A Hope, D Kenny, R Lewis, M Parry, D Patel, P Philpot, A Smith, P Tennett, J Smith-Wright, J Travers, N Wedgwood, P Weeks, M Wiggill, N Wrench, G Cornwell, T Newbigging, N Sidar, I Proos, A Hawkins, D Holmes, C Holmes, D Yates, A Close, J Mitchell, T Wall, D Armstrong, C Grimston, D Kind, H Naran, R Taylor, A Cockburn, S Hammond, N Harischandra, P Cheales, B Jackman, A Dewar, MG Baillie-Cooper, A Broadley, M Adams, J Campbell, J Ross, V Wieland, C Bowers, D Hatendi, B Maclaurin, P Naran, C Thorneycroft, H Thomas, H Nagar, G Douse, D Dryden, J Hanmer, D Hedley, C Jankowski, S Jonker, C Miller, J Runnalls, M Addenbrooke, R Carpenter, R Hudson, P Maddox, J Sole, W Walmisley, M Lloyd, G Glanville, M Stuart, C Schwartz, N Arkell, A Abbey, T Shepherd, A Mizzen, S Newett, R Ayton, G Hawkins, P Smith-Wright, R Baxter, D Chalk, R Eyre, D Jobson, G Maspero, F Millar, N Emslie, R Ellis, S Macfadyeah, H Postlethwayt, M Hayworth, M Wolfson, C Chanetsa, G Cooper, H Boyt, M Chandler, P Weston-Burt, S.Dudhia, J Mctaggart, N Mctaggart, W Mackenzie, E Nohreiter, D Rowley, S Thomas, S Miller, K Dryden, J Earl-Spurr, D Hartley, G Glanville, K Harvey, P Thorneycroft, S Robinson, J Noakes, I Hope, P Jenkinson, P Kemp, T Kemp, W Kennedy, M Kunhardt, T Lotz, S Malaba, R Robinson, H Van Beuningen, J Van Blerk, L Wasserman, H Davies, D Van Dongen, D Addenbrooke, M Bradshaw, N Brooke, I Gibson, H Glasspool, A Kidia, K Kidia, J Maberly, A McWilliams, B Mowtell, H Nagar, A Siddle, M Button, M Jutronik, S Allenby, J de Beutz, M Wijers, R Bentz, M Smith, R Warnock, E Kasambira, A Bardolia, P Baxter, A Beckett, J Bird, B Burrell, J Chalk, S Coote, D Coppock, R Danckwerts, J Desai, J Douse, C Drewe, M Duncan, M Eales, J Grey, M Henwick, G Hodder, C Hulley, C Ireland-Jones, M Kingston, D Lanz, J Logan, D Mehta, K Moors, C Morton, I Murphy, R Murphy, Q Mclennan, K McWilliams, I Pace, M Scholvinck, T Small, B Stone, P Verbeek, G Wasserman, P Westrop, R Wolfson, T Grant, I Lanz, V Dushmanitch, D Roos, T Carruthers, R Carruthers, P Barnell, L Van Rensburg, N Van Rensburg, M Barry, D Borland, J Sickelmore, G Cannon, R Cannon, K Capstick-Dale, R Carter, K Christian, J Clayton, S Cooper, M Coote, S Crichton, N Davidson, S Davies, I Sloan, C Duncombe, J Ellman-Brown, J Fisher, T Fisher, E Gatzouris, P Harper, G Harrison, S Harrison, D Hobson, D Hoets, D Jupp, R Sloan, E Lindsell, R Line, C Lockhart, A Mckell, I Mackinnon, J Nash, D Neill, V Patel, B Rademeyer, D Roberts, J Russell, J Campbell, J Page, C Miskin, D Moore, B Conway, R Jones, J Ireland-Jones, D Ratanje, C Siddle, M Taylor, C Danckwerts, S Maberly, A Gray, S Lang, R Sainsbury, D Foot, J Vicars, P Barnell, J Burgess, P Christian, C Dillon, D James, G Ritchie, N Sirdar, S Beckett, B Longhurst, J Nash, J Harrison, M Lloyd, M Teichman, J Mills, D Morton, J Pace, P Eames, C Ford, T Graham, J Lewis, C Shiel, N Sloan, N Bewes, R Peterson, D Pritchard, M Harrison, T Ramushu, G Tennant, J Norie, C Bird, D Williams, S Williams, I Abrahamsen, P Abrahamsen, A Cole, A Davidson, I Evans, S Evans, C Hammond, N Hammond, M Norie, B Smit, A Thompson, S Alcock, S Allen, R Bouffe, B Bradford, J Bradshaw, B Dillon, M Duncan, J Getty, I Haywood, F Scholvinck, C Slow, A Titley, C Trevis, P Hilditch, C Hoets, G Jones, B Jones, A Kenny, R Kirkpatrick, P Kleinschmidt, P Lindsell, A Lukan, C Lukan, M Lukan, M McCann, I Macdonald, B Malaba, K Mansell, A Matthews, P Metcalfe, D Minto, M Mpambawashe, P M'tizira-Nondo, C Pace, B Peterson, T Dew, B Saunders, H Trevis, I Wallace, N White, P Zamudio, M Tullett, J Tullett, A Mloszewski, J Clayson, P Webb, N Koursaris, P McLaughlin, W Postema, A Austin, M Baines, C Bewes, R Broad, M Capp, J Chinamano, H Christen, I Clark, M Clark, R Cossey, T Dudley, J Dudley, P Greenwood, T Gwanzura, R Jobson, G Maps, A Morton, M Patel, S Paterson, C Ross, I Rutledge, M Sandys-Thomas, P Selley, R Shiel, C Van Rooyen, C Violet, M Wiseman, M Woodward, D Young, R Bhagat, Y Bhagat, J Bailey, D Ferreira, S Ferreira, J Lewis, S Mclean, M Scott, K Alcock, P Allen, T Amatt, J Bagshaw, S Puffett, K Stander, N Valentine, K Webster, R Wolton, J Ballam, W Ballam, D Carpenter, J Cunnington, J Dilmitis, K Ford, A Gibson, G Gnudi, C Hart, D Humphriss, K Hunt, N Ireland-Jones, A Ribeiro, G Thomas, R Voigt, A Weldrick, M Zappia, B James, G Konings, M Konings, I McCutcheon, A Martin, C Matthews, G Molyneaux, E Newton, H Patel, P Patel, R Patel, S Philp, G Scott, M Thomas, D Watkins, M Weldrick, R Zappia, I Maclagan, M Scarborough, V Horden, D Morton, W Bartlett, N Bezant, K Borrett, N Clifton, G Duly, P Duly, A Anthony, A Ashdown, I Austin, B Balneaves, A Blair, D Botha, D Bousfield, R Bradshaw, G Chalk, R Chowdhray, S Cocco, C Doyle, I Doyle, P Fraser, D Garner, G Gibling, C Gogle, V Gogle, D Greenhalgh, N Guy, Y Patel, C Schodt, W Emslie, I Firth, J Freeman, R Harper, B Miles, T Guy, D Higgins, K Higgs, C James, A Jamison, S Jeffries, C Kaidatzis, D Lazenby, G Maclagan, T Martin, R Way, G Metcalfe, S Metcalfe, P Mitchell, AJ Moir, AC Moir, T Norris, R Padgett, O Phillips, P Phocas, M Playsted, N Rademan, R Ramabhai, D White, N Ramsey, T Read, P Reynolds, M Ribeiro, C Rumens, G Sanders, P Sandys-Thomas, W Skeet, J Taylor, D Taylor, A Van der Westhuizen, S Van der Westhuizen, A Wynne, M Bryans, R Naylor, A Zaloumis, C Arden, A Kazas, N Whitehouse, G Carlisle, G Lea, C Wright, C Ibbotson, S Quinn, B Arden, A Berens, G Browning, R Dakin, A de Villiers, W Ford, D Herbert, B Jackson, W Maberly, K Mpambawashe, S Pedersen, M Pocock, K Shiel, A Bailey, K Bhagat, C Cannon, G Davidson, G Eastwood, M Gillespie, S Herring, T Jackson, A Mather, R Partridge, G Phillips, N Rademan, D Bailey, C Blackstock, M Carter, N Demadema, M Ferrao, P Hart, L Huddle, A Lush, J Moore, K Pedersen, A Pocock, B Raubenheimer, N Shiel, T Trinkies, G Yates, J Tyrrell, A Van der Merwe, J Jones, D Cromar, A Hayes, E Hayes, I Hayes, N Mather, D Darey, R Whitelock, R Agnew, J Bodington, A Christie, D Clayson, M Dilmitis, E Fabel, G Ferdinando, J Ford, K Howard, M Jamison, M Matondo, J Matthews, D Nyamadzawo, C Oli, C Pilson, B Rukanda, N Rupere, R Sim, L Sinton, M Smith, S Smith, A Starkey, R Tsimba, H Weber, Marvellous Mhlanga, Theod Mhlanga, Adrian Carter, Paul Carter, Tony Cunha, Gary Fox, Russell Fox, Rakesh Mehta, Trupati Mehta, Steven Palmer, Sanjit Shingadia, Virgil Truter, Stuart Allan, Pfungwa Rupere, Malone Chaya, Owen Chaya, Douglas Chigudu, Terence Chikwezvero, Mukayi Chipudhla, Charles Chirau, Edward Dawanyi, Alexander Douse, Dominic Etheridge, Christopher Fischer, Fungisai Gwanzura, Dumiso Harahwa, Andrew Herring, Terence Jirira, Anthony Jones, George Jones, Lawrence Majuru, Jacob Masenda, Primrose Mderede, Siho Moilfe, Arthur Moore, John Moore, Fungai Pparadzi, Haatione Ndoro, Blessing Ngondo, Josephine Nyakurerwa, Clark Pegg, Richard Pilson, Dean Redman, Craig Russell, Frederick Siyachitema, Bright M.D. The school is located on the Springvale Estate of approximately 1,200 acres (490 ha) alongside Springvale House and Gosho Park. Bailey Catherine, Baker Katy, Balance Tessa, Bezuidenhout Deon, Bristow Jennifer, De Klerk Pieter, Englebrecht Heidi, Grey Alana, Gulab Sareeta, Heyns George, Houseman Emily, Kind Nicholas, Knight Andrew, Long Sean, Malaba Nothando, Matambo Victoria, Morgan Leeann, Mupfururirwa Anesu, Raynor Geraldine, Steel Philip, Tandi Faith, Tanner Julie, Tinofirei Brenda, Turner Victoria, Travers Reilly, Van Duren Adele, Valla Roshnee, Woodhouse Craig, Zwart Pieter. About us. Peterhouse is widely regarded as Zimbabwe’s top independent boarding school and one of the … Peterhouse is widely regarded as Zimbabwe’s top independent boarding school and one of the premier independent schools in Southern Africa. The charity is governed by a Council of up to sixteen Petreans, elected by its members, who come from a range of matriculation years, have a variety of skills and expertise, and act on a wholly voluntary basis. Should you notice someone missing, could you please let us know. Peterhouse Nursery School is situated at Peterhouse Boys and caters for 40 pre-school boys and girls. Marondera, Zimbabwe. Alumni of some of the schools, including some aggrieved staffers, have in recent weeks been volunteering information on some of the contentious practices. Mrs Marcellina Muchemwa, who sat on several ATS boards, told The Sunday Mail that racism in Zimbabwe’s private schools has been subtle, particularly after the Fast-Track Land Reform Programme. Marondera. Tremendous thanks must go to Mr Oliver Beaumont (Paget House 1966) who did a fantastic job in creating and maintaining the ‘old’ Petrean Website. The Springvale House Alumni is now up and running. Link to Group. About us. Headmaster Jon CalderwoodLeavers of 1987Bailey Colin,Burr Alison, Coghlan Clare, Edgar Ivan, Hudson Simon, James Lauren, Judson Daniel, Krynauw Dawn, Ledingham Justin, Matambo Bongi, Menzies Niel, Motsi Tinashe A.K., Mustafa Rabia, Mutuda Andrew, Naik Kimesh, Patel Diptesh, Postles Andrea, Ruswa Bridget, Shambira Stella, Sharief Farnaaz, Swales Quinn. School - … Alumni of Peterhouse, Cambridge this page uses content from the Boys over the.., Reuben Zemura discover Marcus ’ connections and jobs at similar companies, Vincent,! Community for the growth and development of its pupils within its ranks staffing etc... Zimbabwe official Website look after our staff - Boys, founded in 1987, for... On racism, which was scheduled for June 11 and June 12 its.... Day-To-Day basis for Peterhouse Boys are welcome visitors to Peterhouse Boys not get Mashonaland East location id in module.. Dedicated community for the growth and development of its pupils ; he also responsibility! 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