As I like to remind people, this will also depend on your daily caloric needs for healthy weight loss, you can use the calorie calculator to get an estimate! I don’t like egg whites or oatmeal. Go for it… ps. Hi Roqui, I don’t think I mentioned any pitas in my meal plan, where did you see this please? I thought maybe cutting it down to 2 oz, just not sure if I will have the same results. This plan worked well! Black Pepper: Helps in faster digestion and nutrient absorption. There are soooo many factors that influence fat loss, I know that it can get frustrated at times. You want to maintain your shredded appearance, and to do so you need to maintain a shredded diet. Personally I eat the same breakfast on most days but I understand if you don’t like the other options, eggs can get boring after a few days. I need to lose 120lbs safely. By juices do you mean homemade juices? Since we all have different needs, it’s important to adjust this plan to our own! I’m so beyond excited. I have a hard time wanting to eat all 5 meals…my cravings are at bay for the first time in a long time. Can i increase portion sizes? Thank you for the info! Make sure you calculate your daily caloric needs to find out what’s right for you and then you can adjust the meal plan to your needs! Shall I split it over 7 days or cook more. I really just want to have all my meals on point! Hi Cerra, I am definitely not an expert when it comes to breastfeeding. So my question here would be if there is a way to measure the veggies and other food groups (walnuts) by weighing them out(ounces) instead of measuring it in cups? Hi, I know you mentioned the oatmeal measurement was dry, are the 1/2 cup quinoa and brown rice options measured dry also? You can use this calorie calculator to get an estimate of your specific nutritional needs here: I work the overnight shift and breakfast is usually the last meal of my day. I should add that I am consistently active six days a week, so I have a solid exercise routine. You need those healthy carbs for energy and weight loss You can adjust this meal plan to fit your individual preferences and take note on how you feel and the results you get as you go & from there you can make readjustments. I personally like to stick to foods that are closest to earth as possible (less processed)! Something that isn’t a grain. Are the egg whites and oatmeal blended together n cooked or how does it work?? I just have one question: for breakfast it says oatmeal but I’m honestly not a fan of oatmeal. 4 oz too??? Hi Patty! 1) Whether id lose weight even without having to workout? Maybe a green fruity smoothie with natural raw vegan protein powder? I would recommend 2 things: stick with real food & do high intensity interval training for fat loss… AND don’t forget to make it fun too, try dancing, hiking, new recipes, etc. Aim to get about 30% of your calories from these healthy fats. Aim for 30 to 60 minutes depending on your aerobic capacity. 1/2 a cup of oats) cooked weight or raw weight? For example, a woman who is 5’8 and works out twice a day might need more calories that a sedentary woman who is 5’2 and is looking to lose 10 pounds. Would a diet like this provide me with enough protein for that? I also learn how to make some super tasty sweets with healthy ingredients (you can browse through my recipes for ideas) and also, sometimes I’ll just treat myself to something sweet and not so healthy – moderation is KEY! Just wonder if i can go this diet more than 7 days and losing weight ? of hummus. Perfecting that Zac Efron-esque beach body takes some time and dedication.So ask yourself: If I were to go to a beach next week, would my body be ready for showtime? Hi Michelle! If performing 2+ exercises, aim for 30 reps in 3 sets. I plan to do this for 3-4 weeks. Also where it says 1/2 cup of oatmeal or egg whites would that be cooked or before cooking??? Is this meal plan intake all in one day for 7 days?? Laurel. (example: on Meal 5 it has 4 oz protein + 1-2 cups veggies, then lists 3 examples of what you could eat, on 4 & 6 it only lists the examples) I hope that made sense, i think it confused me!! Every single day is a brand new day to focus on shedding unwanted weight as well as staying healthy and this website has offered me a solution to remain targeted and I’m making great leaps toward achieving my ultimate figure. But overall, this is a well-rounded nutritional plan that can be followed on a daily basis, of course, you might want to enjoy an extra treat here and there but besides from that, I think that it’s a great plan that can be adjusted to everybody’s individual needs! What is the best substitute for asparagus? Any info will be helpful. Perform 5-10 rounds with a 1:3 all-out to active recovery ratio (e.g. Should I eat the same amount of calories? Thank you dear, that’s so sweet Enjoy the meal plan and let us know how it all goes! What would you usually have for breakfast? Make sure you fuel your body with all those intense workouts , for the meal 3 how much of the beans should i take ? It should be no surprise that protein intake is absolutely critical when you try … , It is really up to you to decide, personally I prefer eating whole food but again, we all have different preference. I am novice to this whole new lifestyle change and clean eating. 30-day Shred diet plan Instagram. And fruits in general as well. Thanks for the answer, the thing is I cooked around 835 g of chicken for the week, and after cooking it weighed around 574 g remained, this is around 20 ounces. So, let’s take a quick look at what you can and can’t eat during a shred week. Just started doing this yesterday, and I am eating 1,200 – 1,400 calories per day (did the calorie calculator). Just curious of approximately how many calories this 7-day shred is??? Week 2: Challenge – During the second week, you’ll get serious about your commitment to the diet … I finished Day 1 and I’m sooo full, so I skipped the last optional meal. OR take some foods from one meal and apply it to another meal? You can use the online calorie calculator to get an idea! Male and Female Sample Day Meal Plans for the R.I.P.P.E.D. When you buy the product through these links, we may receive a small commission. You can use the calorie counter found in the meal plan guidelines to get an estimate of your needs depending on your specific goal. Hi there! My normal eating habits aren’t the best so I’m not sure the best way to make sure I don’t gain back what I lost! I’m guessing you have to eat every 2-3 hours so what should I do if I end up missing a meal because I’d be at the gym? Revert awaited. In my opinion, Greek yogurt should not be eaten multiple times a day if your goal is to be healthy and loose weight, it’s just not a superfood like it claims to be! If so, how. Yes 1/2 cup should do it. As long as you limit saturated fats to a minimum, you will still take advantage of big health benefits by eating more white and fatty fish, nuts and seeds, as well as avocados, and extra virgin olive oil. On days I do HIIT it’s for cardio and I do 20min HIIT and 10-20min low impact depending on whether it is also a strength training day or not. They are smaller meal Jen. I haven’t lost any weight from the calorie differential. You can try substituting with popcorn (with no or little butter or olive oil and little salt) or maybe some chopped veggies with a tbsp. I am trying to lean down to about 17% bf. I have a quick question…I work in a dental office so there is no way to have that second meal with protein and veggies while I’m at work. The ideal thing would be a similar body type to that of a physique competitor. Hi, I can only go to the gym around 6.30 pm so do I still eat that sort of amount of food as is in this diet? Yes, I do highly recommend Betty Rocker’s 30-day eating guide if your goal is to get super fit & healthy and if you are looking for a complete guide to eating clean! And I go to the gym 6 days a week and lift weights. Women benefit from muscle building diets … Also, how should I eat after the diet in order to not gain the weight back? Also, you can wait until the 3rd meal if it’ really not convenient and have a slightly larger meal then. Carbohydrates: • Wholegrain oats • Brown rice • Quinoa • Wholemeal bread • Couscous • Spelt pasta • Sweet potato • Pumpkin • Beans and other legumes • Bananas, apples, pears and other … Your body is readjusting. Just a bit confused? Hey Isabella, Do you have any jump start 7 day meal plans like this one, but, for the somewhat “picky” eater. Im just looking for a start to shredding and getting body fat lower to expose more definition. Is it okay to continue on with this? Welcome to MFS Farhana! I was wondering what kind of oatmeal is good cuz I’m right now using steel cut oats and cream of wheat ? Hi, I want to start your 7 day shred, but I’m a little confused. So are avocados permitted? I go to the gym 3-5 days a week and was looking for something extra to help lose weight. High sugar and processed foods are what you want to avoid the most. thank you freya. Hi are you able to choose your 6 meals by mixing up to suit me or do I need to follow meal plan. What to Eat on Your Period and Which Foods Should You Avoid. I suggest you simply switch the order of the meals to fit your schedule. Hello Isabella!! and the asparagus with chicken can be replaced with broccoli right? Is the half cup of rice cooked or raw? Hello for meal 3 and 5 can I make my own meal ideas as long as they have 4pz protien and mix of veggies or greens. P.d: sorry for my english XD…. unlimited access 24/7 . Thank you doll!! It includes a shredding meal plan, workout program and many other goodies Keep me posted on your progress. I am athletic and have run marathons but this switched up my workouts and with macro counting I look and feel amazing! Hi, wanting to try the shred diet. I did the 7 day shred a little while ago and had great results. I’m vegetarian and don’t eat eggs or fish. In my experience, the best way to lose fat and feel energized is to stick to REAL food and stay active (and have fun along the way)! Isabella . . For example this morning I was only able to eat the egg whites not the oatmeal & bananas. May I ask for your macros? However, if you want to fuel your body with REAL FOOD, I wouldn’t recommend eating miracle whip and mayo (unless it’s homemade) during your 7-day shred! I am starting this program today… Quick question… at the bottom of week 1 Upper it states Perform 3 to 5 rounds. And also, if this is a diet I should only follow for the 7 days or for a longer period of time(I.e a month or two)? awesome routine and I love that each day is different for the two weeks! If so, what do you suggest? . If its raw, can I make it only a quarter cup and add in a post-workout protein shake without having to skip one meal? I have not started yet, still completing the 7 day. my question to you is, is this geared to a woman’s shredding, or can a man also use this. I have a question, I am a bit confused. I usually just do a shake. My gal Bree has created a pretty awesome eBook giving you all of the tools you’ll need to get in the best shape of your life while following a healthy, balanced whole food diet. 2. Isabella, I really like your meal plan and can’t wait to try it this week! It might seem silly. Hey Dennise! I’ve been searching for something exactly like this for over a month. Can yoy still drink protein shakes with this diet? Take this day completely off. Hi Casey, Welcome to MFS I would recommend customizing the meal plan for your individual needs. I’m 5’6 150lbs with a belly. This post is very informative Isabella. ..if for example all my snacks would be Greek yogurt? Take this day completely off. Coke is definitely not something that I would recommend on this meal plan (or any meal plan for that matter), however, I do believe that everybody needs to do their best and take health and fitness one step at the time. What about the spinach in meal 1? Dumbbell Bicep Curls3.) thanks so much in advance for your response!!! If not, I would avoid store bought juices all together… however fruits are always a big YES! Or, check out our other fat burner articles: Isabella is the founder of My Fit Station. I need more variety. Thank you! Her mission is to spread a healthy, balanced and FUN approach to mind/body health & fitness, one that encourages growth, empowerment and a lavish dose of self-loving. Welcome to MFS It sounds like you are committed to your goals, congrats on that! Do I need to stop or slow down with these protein shakes while doing this diet? 2) I’ve got a sweet tooth as well, I hear ya! … hi, I go the gym 3-4 times a week, a lift. Thanks for posting this! And never eat carbs before going to bed. That’s great news! I already train 6 days a week but need to sort my nutrition out . See, the longer you reduce your calorie intake for, the more your body will try to hold onto the flabby fat you actually want to get rid of. Sounds good! hi Isabella this is my first time trying your meal plan . And also, make sure that you are eating sufficient protein daily for your body (you can find protein calculators available online to get an estimate and work from there). For example, for meal 1, you can have oatmeal or eggs, meal 2 can be your choice of protein and veggies, etc. Why not! Hi Jade, it seems like this would be a good alternative (feel free to drink up the leftover milk ;)). Many thanks. I never recommend starving yourself or unnecessary deprivation. I can loose weight quick but gain it back because I indulge myself in sweets. I started this program at the start of March 2019 and by Mid-December at my final weigh in I was down 12.9 lbs and 7% body fat. I’m 5’1, 117. You can continue following this clean meal plan making sure that you are getting sufficient calories, feel free to include a little cheat meal every now and then . Thanks so much for your response! 5 must-stock ancient spices for weight loss: 1. No harm can be done by eating clean fresh and vibrant foods . Hi!!! Hey Nicole, yeah you can eyeball it. When I came across this meal plan, I knew this is what I needed to jump start my weight loss again and take control of my portions. I personally follow P 120 C 100 T 40 for 60kg, 170 cm. I’m really interested to know what it is about this plan that makes it work apart from being clean. It’s hard for me to define that since I am not a doctor but in my opinion I don’t see why not since this is a healthy and balanced whole food meal plan , What are the protein, fat, and carbs percentages we should be aiming for each day? One of those candidates is the 30-day Shred diet plan. As you know, we all come in different shapes and sizes and our goals are not identical. You may want to double check with your trainer to make sure! Once you reach your goal weight, continue eating healthy whole food. Am starting this tomorrow . I’m a plus size women, I might look like I eat a lot, but I only eat once a day, sometimes twice. If you’ve been eating less protein previously, then feel free to lower your protein portions and fill up with more veggies! You will also be eating some fruit on a daily basis, but in limited amounts to reduce your sugar intake. Hi Miluska! And actually enjoy eating this way as well. I’m embarking on my 2nd round of the 7 day shred and am just as excited as I was last time. Secondly if you have a protein shake everyday, does this mean you can reduce protein intake for each meal. Personally, I prefer raw, vegan protein powder. Cayenne Pepper: Burns fat. Is the oatmeal measurement dry or cooked? You can lose about 20 pounds of weight with Jillian Michaels 30-day shred diet. like watermelon, papaya, honeydew? Does it matter how you prepare the food? Hi! Sorry if this has been asked but can the four oz of meat be switch for a protein bar ( ie meal two: protein bar & veggies)? Hi Rachel, I find 1,050 to be way to low. Bit of a silly question! Would you recommend an additional protein shake after (for a total of 7 meals) or is meal 5 ok for postworkout? Hi again. This shouldn’t be a trip to Dunkin Donuts, but rather some new clothing, a new handbag or even a trip to the spa. Hi Isabella can I eat for breakfast 1/4 cup oatmeal is 100 calories and add a cup of egg whites that is 125 calories and a half tbs almond butter that is 48 calories and half cup almond milk total calories would be 285 for breakfast is that too many calories thank you gina, I’m try to to lose my last ten pounds so I’m going to follow your diet but just use that as my breakfast I also workout at the gym I was245 pounds now down to 128 trying to get to 120 thank you so my breakfast is fine at 285 calories. have fun with it . Make it work for YOU! The 7-day shredding meal plan is in this very post (see meal options and examples)…, Yes Ramy, you can! I am starting your diet when should u have your first meal before the gym or after. Hello I just started this and signed up on you’re site as well. Very excited for it! Now it’s time to give you information on how your 7-day shred plan needs to be balanced across macronutrients. For meals 2-6 you have what should include (4 oz of meat/1 c veggies). And, eaten as laid out, you can really cut calories without being ravenous all of the time! Hi Autumn, welcome to MFS! That’s great news girl!!! Andddd how long should somone wait to do this diet again without the body ‘going into starvation mode’? Sleep in, rest, relax, and put your feet up! Thanks Jason… are you a columnist on Hi, I am very active. And finally, if the breakfast is too much for you so early in the morning, have a smoothie, or a banana before your workout sessions and you should be fine if you workout quickly after waking up , Im just going to start this plan for a kick up the backside – I just wanted to comment that having been on my fitness journey for a couple of years now now ive read A LOT of stuff out there and met a LOAD of people in this industry BUT ive never seen a fitness professional so inspirational, involved and sensible as yourself. Eating clean actually detoxifies your body and gives you more energy if done properly, it’s no wonder that you are glowing and feeling energized! Comments must be approved before appearing, Tiger Fitness Inc.150 Commerce DriveLoveland, OH 451401-877-397-3801Email: click here. Can you put them in the freezer? Hey I’ve been eating one meal a day for the longest due to work I’m scared switching to 5 meals a day will cause me to lose weight any tips? or each meal is one day? you don’t need to follow the plan by the letter, you can slightly customize it to fit your needs while using the guidelines , thanks for the article, Great! option 1: 1/2 cup oatmeal + 1/2 banana + 1/2 cup egg whites + 1 cup of berries (on the side) option 2: 3 egg whites + 1 whole egg + 1 cup spinach + 1/2 cup veggies of your choice (tomatoes, peppers, mushrooms) + 1 slice of Ezekiel bread or other sprouted grain bread. The contents, materials, or links in this blog are not intended as medical advice or treatment. 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