Essential Website Cookies. Water thoroughly after fertilization.Disease, Weed & Insect Control: Varieties are available that are resistant to net blotch, brown patch and crown rust. Wildflower turf is very low maintenance. Turf grasses are categorized according to climate. Minimal disease and insect problems that can be chemically controlled. Such turf grasses include Kentucky bluegrass, creeping bent grass, fine or red fescue, and perennial ryegrass among the popular cool-season types and Bermuda grass, zoysia grass, and St. Augustine grass among the warm-season types. It’s slower growing and so needs less frequent mowing. From the best variety for your region to the 411 on when to plant, these tips and tricks are bound to breed the greenest lawn on the block. Grow Knowledge. It’s reasonable disease-resistant too. If you are aiming for a classic english lawn, then a regular mowing routine is a must. Keep the sward at around 5cm long for best results and mow once or twice a week in the growing season. With the ability to … April 16, 2019 . Now, go forth and spray with confidence, knowing that you have the strength and reliability of Roundup® for Lawns products at your side! A mild vertical cutting may be needed during the warmer months on a vigorous turf that has received high nitrogen fertilization.Soil & Fertilizer Needs: Grows on a wide range of soils, but prefers neutral to alkaline soils - has excellent saline salt tolerance. per 1,000 sq. It’s an excellent turfgrass for sports fields and golf courses. Slow growth results in less mowing. Periodic vertical cutting may be needed to control thatch accumulation if high nitrogen level is applied.Soil & Fertilization Needs: Tolerates high salinity and infertile soil relatively well. Try our turf selector. The best option is to use the village green grass. Table Of Content. Cool Season grasses like Bentgrass, Kentucky Bluegrass, Red Fescue, Annual and Perennial Ryegrass prefer the less-intense summer weather in the North. Never remove more than 1/3 of the shoot growth at one mowing. By far the most commonly-grown species in North Carolina is the cool-season grass tall fescue, followed by warm-season bermudagrass. Kentucky bluegrass is the turfgrass of choice in cooler northern areas. Description. Look closely at the sward of fine turf and you’ll see that it has needle-thin leaves, a delicate green colour and a neat growth habit. of actual nitrogen per 1,000 sq. Did you know that there are over a dozen different species of grass that can be used for lawns in Indiana? Never remove more than 1/3 of the shoot growth at one mowing. Kikuyu has a medium leaf width, a bright green leaf colour, is quite soft, and loves the heat, the humidity and full sun, it is also extremely adaptable with an ability to grow in very poor soil types. Traditional turf is quite hardwearing. The other type of grasses are referred to as bunch-type grasses. It also performs well in salty regions, making it widely used across the coast. The different types of lawn that belong to the cool season are the following: the Bluegrass, the Bentgrass, the Creeping fescue, the Annual ryegrass and the Fine rescue … Sunlight, good soil and a regular water supply are needed for a beautiful bluegrass lawn. Which do you think would hold up best in the part sun, part shade environment, along with an active dog?Please help.Thanks, ted – posted 15 February 2005 14:53. i would go with the fine fescue due to your lower temps than the rest of the transition zone. Chances are you’ve heard of bluegrass, and maybe zoysia grass, but most people don’t have any reason to think about different types of lawn grasses on a daily basis. Mow regularly with a sharp rotary or reel mower, allowing clippings from frequent mowing to remain on the lawn. Most warm season grass varieties and a couple cool season grass types have spreading growth characteristics. The Creeping Red … For example, sometimes we want grass to feel naturally soft and fluffy underfoot, but softer materials aren’t as durable as those that can produce a stiffer, more resilient surface. Sun & Shade Grasses For sunny areas where winter dormancy is acceptable, the best lawns are warm-season turf varieties like Bermuda, hybrid Bermuda, kikuyu and zoysias. This is the strongest type of artificial grass that is available on the market. Characteristics: Warm-season grass - fine to medium leaf texture, dark green, dense and low growing via rhizomes and stolons some varieties tolerate very low maintenance, while others produce lawns of exceptional beauty when given extra care - root system is extensive and very deep.Recommended Usage: Best adapted to hot, dry or tropical climates - recommended for residential and commercial landscapes, golf courses, sport fields, parks and recreation areas - ideal for homes with children and pets.Temperature Tolerance: Excellent heat tolerance up to 110(F., performs best during periods of heat - has a winter dormancy period, turns tan to brown at temperatures below 55(F. Poor cold hardiness.Drought Resistance: Superior - highly drought resistant, but also responds to irrigation in dry periods. Desc. Water Needs: Low to medium - apply at least 1 inch of water as a deep soaking every, 4 to 7 days to encourage a deep, healthy root system during dry or hot periods. Often it contains dwarf ryegrasses that are very good at recovering from damage caused by boots, shoes, paws or footballs. Mow regularly with a sharp rotary or reel mower, allowing clippings from frequent mowing to remain on the lawn. ft. per year for higher requiring nitrogen varieties also apply fertilizer at 0.5 to I lb. Never remove more than 1/3 of the shoot growth at one mowing. Kikuyu turf was another of the mainstays of Australian lawns in days gone by, as well as still today. If you’re a homeowner looking for a bargain, then polypropylene is fine as long as you don’t have high expectations for it. Apply nitrogen at 2 to 6 lbs. Cool-season turf species are those that have optimum growth at temperatures between 60 and 75°F, whereas warm-season turfgrasses have optimum growth between 80 and 95°F. Lots! Water Needs: Moderate to high, thrives on wet sites - apply 0.5 to 1 inch of water as a deep soaking every 3 to 6 days to encourage a deep, healthy root system during dry or hot periods. We give it an 8/10 for toughness. When your lawn looks great, it really pulls the attention of the crowd. Turf grasses fall into two basic categories: Warm-season grasses thrive in warmer climates, such as the southern, southeast and Gulf Coast regions of the U.S. Cool-season grasses … For weeds, chemical controls are most effective during fall and spring. Avoid frequent, shallow watering that results in shallow roots, permitting weed germination and growth.Mowing & Thatching: Optimum mowing height is 1-2 inches for a quality lawn. ft. per year.Disease, Weed & Insect Control: Aggressive enough to compete with weeds, reducing the need for chemical controls. In the wild, these plants are normally found in meadows and pastures where they are trampled and chewed by sheep, cattle or ponies…so they’re fairly robust. It can turn brown when temperatures are very high. Centipede Grass. All types of turf are made lead-free which makes them safe for both humans and animals and ideal for residential and commercial landscapes, pets, playgrounds and sports applications. 7/10 for toughness. About 26% of these are artificial grass & sports flooring, 5% are other garden ornaments & water features. Never remove more than 1/3 of the shoot growth at one mowing. Fine turf can be, and often is, mown very close to the ground. Slow growth results in less mowing. Minimal thatch build-up, seldom requires dethatching.Soil & Fertilizer Needs: Prefers an acidic soil pH of 5 to 6.5 - is well adapted to infertile, well-drained soil - very low fertilizer requirement. Comp. Tall fescue forms very little thatch.Soil & Fertilizer Needs: Adapts to a wide range of soil conditions - has rather deep extensive root system for a cool-season grass that makes excellent use of soil moisture and mineral nutrients - good tolerance to saline soil conditions. ft. per year. Water Needs: Moderate - apply at least 1 inch of water as a deep soaking every 4 to 7 days to encourage a deep, healthy root system during hot or dry periods. Apply 2.5 to 4 lbs. If an area is in the sunshine for at least half a day, ordinary turf will suffice. Can go into summer dormancy when irrigation is withheld, upon return of moisture supply, will green up again.Shade Adaptation: Good - some varieties maintain adequate turf quality in 60% shade - tolerant of pine tree shade.Wear Resistance: Poor - slow growth pattern - will not withstand heavy wear - recovers slowly from damage. And great news: While If broadleaf weeds need to be controlled with herbicide, the turf should be well established and in vigorous condition. Water Needs: Moderate - apply 0.5 to 1 inch of water as a deep soaking every 3 to 7 days to encourage a deep, healthy root system during dry or hot periods. In the Deep South, warm-season grasses are generally grown. Fertilize 1 or 2 times a year, spring and fall, with a complete fertilizer containing nitrogen, phosphate and potassium - apply nitrogen at 1-2 lbs per 1,000 sq. Water Needs: Moderate - apply 0.5 to 1 inch of water as a deep soaking every 5 to 7 days to encourage a deep healthy root system during dry or hot periods. A wide variety of types of turf grass options are available to you, such as plastic, fabric. Fine fescue can be left unmowed for a "meadow look. This type of lawn is typically a mixture of lawn grasses. Where to Buy Turfgrass Sod, This information provided by The Lawn Institute –, loaded in 15.6236ms | 12/21/2020 1:12:51 PM, Fertilizer – Proper Selection and Application, Proper Watering Techniques for Turfgrass Lawns, Soil Types Make a Difference in Lawn Irrigation. Mow regularly with a sharp rotary or reel mower, allowing clippings from frequent mowing to remain on the lawn. Key Players. Some varieties are resistant or tolerant of chinch bugs and to the St. Augustine decline (SAD) virus. Artificial grass is made of the highest quality synthetic fibers, and it is carefully constructed to make it look as natural as possible. Another advantage with the Creeping Red Fescue grass is that it is not aggressive in growth and is easy to maintain. Whether you decide to hire a landscaping company, or mow the lawn yourself. offers 1,936 types of turf grass products. Too high a rate of nitrogen fertilization can increase thatch build-up, encourage chinch bugs and brown patch damage.Disease, Weed & Insect Control: A well-maintained turf will provide the best weed control. Minimal thatch build-up, seldom requires dethatching.Soil & Fertilizer Needs: Prefers an acidic soil pH of 5 to 6.5 - is well adapted to infertile, well-drained soil - very low fertilizer requirement. Most fungal diseases of St. Augustinegrass can be controlled with fungicides. During summer, the grass turns a pale green color and become dormant. Mixed with other grasses, fine fescue adds disease resistance to the turf. When your wildflower turf is delivered to you it will look fairly ordinary. TOC. Can go into summer dormancy when irrigation is withheld; upon return of moisture supply, will green up again. Different Kinds of Grass on Golf Courses. If you need tough grass you should only consider using this turf where shade is a real problem. This makes nylon grass a great choice for a number of applications as you won’t have to worry about accidentally crushing it or the hot sun damaging the appearance of your grass.Unfortunately, due to its high cost and how stif… Mow regularly with a sharp rotary or reel mower, allowing clippings from frequent mowing to remain on the lawn. Using a good quality lawn turf containing a mixture of top quality cultivars including dwarf rye, fescue and smooth … Learning about the various types of grass and how they stand up to foot traffic, drought and temperature extremes can help you choose the ideal lawn grass for your property. Characteristics: Warm-season grass - leaf texture from fine to medium coarse - color ranges from light to medium green - forms a dense, low maintenance lawn - spreads by stolons and rhizomes - shoot growth rate is slow. Kikuyu is most well known for being a highly invasive and aggressive grower and it is this trait that makes it suitable in some cases as a home lawn. Therefore, contact your local nurseryman or county Extension Office if more detailed information is needed on specific maintenance questions. Wildflower turf isn’t really designed for rough and tumble but it is fairly tough. Well, that all depends on where you live, and how much work you want to invest. Commonly referred to as "turf grass," the grasses used on golf courses are traditionally tough, fast-repairing grasses that can withstand plenty of traffic. During summer, fertilizer rates should be reduced by 50%. per sq. I’ve got two choices from my local sod farmer here in Ohio, Turf Type Tall Fescue and Fine Leaf Fescue/ Bluegrass Sod. Different Types Of Grass – Shade Green Buffalo and LM Berea are the two shade grasses most often used in South Africa. This slow-growing, low-maintenance grass grows well in sandy coastal regions … Don't miss out...our last delivery day is Sat 19th Dec 2020. Agriculture Syndicate Market Research Pages: 124 Report ID: 11108 . Avoid frequent, shallow watering that results in shallow roots, permitting weed germination and growth.Mowing & Thatching: Optimum mowing height of 2 to 3 inches for a high quality lawn. This grass remains green all year long in cool climate regions. This is the beautifully neat velvety turf that you see used on bowling greens. Turf grasses that spread are referred to as spread-type grasses. Shade tolerant turf is normally a slightly paler green than traditional turf and it does have a broader leaf to it. This knowledge helps determine proper mowing height and frequency, as well as water, fertilizer and pesticide needs. ft. per year.Disease, Weed & Insect Control: Aggressive enough to compete with weeds, reducing the need for chemical controls. Fertilize twice a year, spring and fall, with a complete fertilizer containing nitrogen, phosphate and potassium. Water Needs: Low to moderate - water thoroughly (at least 1 inch) once or twice a week during most summer conditions - can enter summer dormancy if no water available.Mowing & Thatching: Mow regularly with a reel or rotary mower - slow growth habit results in a uniform response to mowing - does best with a mowing height of 1 - 2 1/2 inches - will tolerate close mowing in cool climates. Nylon artificial grass can stand up to both heavy weight and high temperatures without getting matted down or losing its original shape. Fine turf isn’t particularly wear tolerant and it can be prone to disease too. actual nitrogen per 1,000 sq. If you are like most homeowners, you want a green yard. Characteristics: Cool-season grass - moderately dark green with good density and fine leaf texture - known for its rapid establishment rate - produces attractive, tough leaves and low growing crowns that create a stable turf - easy to maintain.Recommended Usage: Prefers regions with mild winters and cool moist summers, however, it is highly adaptable and widely used - compatible in mixes with bluegrass and fine fescue to make a hardier turf - can be used for sport fields and play areas.Temperature Tolerance: Good - newer varieties have greater tolerance to cold winters and hot summers - most vigorous when cool and moist. May also apply 1 or 2 summer fertilizer applications in climates with a long growing season. In this article, we help you to tell apart the many different types of turf and choose which is best for your application. Turf Grass Seed Market By Type (Cool Season Grass, Warm Season Grass), By Application (Landscape Turf, Golf Turf, Other), and By Region - Overall In-depth Analysis, Global Market Share, Top Trends, Professional & Technical Industry Insights 2020 - 2026 . If you just want a lawn for dogs or children, then this type of turf is very forgiving. Once wildflower turf has established in your garden, and at the right time of year, it looks amazing. Pretty tough – but not as tough as a ryegrass based traditional turf. There is no thatch as grass thickens by tillers instead of stolons or rhizomes.Soil & Fertilizer Needs: Highly adaptable to a wide range of soils, from light and sandy to heavy and clayey. Avoid frequent, shallow watering that results in shallow roots, permitting weed germination and growth.Mowing & Thatching: Optimum mowing height 1/4 to 1 1/2 inches for a high quality lawn, slow growth rate reduces mowing frequency. Fertilize twice a year, spring and fall, with a complete fertilizer containing nitrogen, phosphate and potassium. You’ll be able to see that there are a great many different plant species growing in the sward but you won’t get the full glory of this product for several weeks. While turf grass may have looked unnatural when it was first introduced, that is definitely not the case today. nitrogen per 1,000 sq. Will respond well to high nitrogen applications to achieve a higher quality turf. To properly manage a lawn or turf area, it’s important to know what type of turfgrass you’re working with. Do you know your varieties of turf grass? There are many different types of turf - from Kikuyu to Zoysia and Buffalo to Couch - and each has different benefits and properties. Drought Tolerance: Good - without water, will go dormant during a short drought, but will recover.Shade Tolerance: Moderate - shows tolerance to filtered shade.Wear Resistance: Fair - suitable for moderate recreation and foot traffic areas exhibiting good initial wear recovery, especially in spring and fail, when growth is rapid. The sward often consists of just one grass species so when you look really closely, each blade of grass will look very similar to its neighbour. A Fertilize twice a year, spring and fall, with a complete fertilizer containing nitrogen, phosphate and potassium. Unfortunately, identifying turf can be like solving a puzzle, and no single characteristic or feature can be solely relied upon to determine a turfgrass species. Meanwhile, among the warm-season types, Bermuda grass, centipedegrass, and zoysiagrass are cold-tolerant enough to be grown there. Practically all insects that damage lawns can be controlled with insecticides. If you get on your knees and look closely you’ll see some fine-textured leaves and some that are slightly wider. When grasses are in a dormant state, foot traffic can quickly wear a muddy path through the turf thatch. Water thoroughly after fertilization.Disease, Weed & Insect Control: New varieties have improved resistance to diseases such as leafspot, stripe smut, powdery mildew, dollar spot, Typhula blight, summer patch and rusts. Avoid frequent, shallow watering that results in shallow roots, permitting weed germination and growth.Mowing & Thatching: Optimum mowing height 1 1/2 - 2 inches for a high quality lawn. These cookies are strictly necessary to provide you with services available through our website and to use some of its features. ft. annually.Disease, Weed & Insect Control: Most new varieties of ryegrass have good resistance to diseases and insects, including brown patch, leaf spot, stem and crown rust - used in warm climates in combination with bluegrass, ryegrass reduces the spread of major summer diseases. Tall fescue is a particularly tough cool-season grass that can survive in the Transition Zone. ft. per year split between spring and fall application.Disease, Weed & Insect Control: Most varieties have good resistance to many turfgrass diseases. Replacing turf grass with low-maintenance groundcovers or employing a variety of low-maintenance perennials, trees and shrubs can be a good alternative to traditional lawn spaces, especially in hard-to-grow or hard-to-mow areas, as it can reduce maintenance requirements, associated pollution and offers higher aesthetic and wildlife value. Types of Turf Grass. The color and texture of this cool-season grass are exceptional with the right growing conditions. May also apply 2 to 3 summer applications of nitrogen fertilizer, using 1 lb. Characteristics: Warm-season grass - dense, medium to dark green turf - produces an attractive lawn with a medium to coarse textured grass blade - a very low maintenance grass.Recommended Usage: Good general-purpose grass for lawns - best adapted to hot, humid and tropical climates, grows well where rainfall is high and summers are warm and humid - popular because of low maintenance.Temperature Tolerance: Grows well in full sun - very tolerant to high temperatures, up to 100(F, but sensitive to low temperatures, going dormant through winter months at temperatures below 55(F. Cold hardiness ranks between bermudagrass and St. Augustinegrass.Drought Resistance: Moderate - is sensitive to drought, but has a rapid recovery rate. Types of Turf Grass. ft. per year. Just answer 5 simple questions about your lawn and how you want to use it and the turf selector will recommend the best turf for you, your garden and your budget. If there is a weed problem, controls are most effective during spring and fall months - be sure that turf is in vigorous condition prior to herbicide application. They kill even the toughest weeds but won't harm lawns (when used as directed). The most common types of turfgrass include buffalo grass, Bahia grass, bent grass, village green and many more. Minimal disease and insect problems that can be chemically controlled. of all the turfs available, fine turf is the most labour intensive. Buffalo is a hardy grass that grows well in the sun and shade, whereas LM Berea is well suited for shady areas. It also establishes a very thick, lush carpet that withstands heavy foot traffic and outcompetes weeds. Shade, whereas LM Berea is a soft type of grass you should only consider using this turf which be. 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