Within five years, stands have produced up to 7000 pounds of the dry root mass per acre in the top 8  inches of soil. Western wheatgrass (Pascopyrum smithii) is one of the preferred foods for deer, elk, horses and cattle in spring and occasional fodder for sheep and antelope. The wide row spacing (relative to grain crops like wheat) allows for sustained seed yields for five to ten years. Scientific Names: Agropyron spicatum, Elytrigia spicata . ... 303 Bluebunch wheatgrass-western wheatgrass 304 Idaho fescue-bluebunch wheatgrass 305 Idaho fescue-Richardson needlegrass 306 Idaho fescue-slender wheatgrass 309 Idaho fescue-western wheatgrass 310 Needle-and-thread-blue grama 311 Rough fescue-bluebunch wheatgrass 312 Rough fescue-Idaho … unilaterale: Wheatgrass, Awned: agropyron violaceum: Wheatgrass, Violet: agrostis gigantea: Redtop IDENTIFICATION TIPS . It appears to be a bunchgrass but some varieties have stronger, longer creeping rhizomes than others. Western wheatgrass has excellent winter hardiness. For A. cristatum , there are 122 synonyms and one unresolved name ( Agropyron czerepanovii Tzvelev). First, there is wide evidence that hybridization of Thinopyrum intermedium with wheat is a method to confer fungal resistance to domestic wheat plants. Also, perenniality is lost with these hybrids. 5 5 star. & Sm.) Nevski: ELSMM: Elytrigia smithii (Rydb.) Rydb. (Poaceae) [30,56]. Western wheatgrass for forage and as a soil stabilizer makes this an important plant to grow and conserve. Researchers hope that these two strategies will progress and meet in the middle.[19]. [21] There's evidence that Thinopyrum intermedium also has resistance to wheat streak mosaic virus, the Aceria tosichella mite, Barley yellow dwarf, and others. Although it was first brought to the United States in 1907, the first successful introduction was from the Caucasus region in 1932. Western wheatgrass is not recommended for acidic soils. Description. USING SCIENTIFIC NAMES Two authorities joined with `ex' or `in' indicate circumstances of publication. Tolerance for alkaline soils with pH up to 9.0 Varieties have been developed. [7], Kernza is a trademarked name held by the Land Institute for the processed grains of intermediate wheatgrass. While this may not seem like an important characteristic, better bread may mean more calories, feeding more people. Love. It produces seed in the spring and goes dormant in mid-summer. Each spikelet is 6 to 10 flowered glumes that are 10 to 12 mm long. Jones: AGSMP: Agropyron smithii Rydb. Provides nutritious winter pasture and hay. [12], Although the primary use of Thinopyrum intermedium is as a forage, seed production is essential because farmers and ranchers continue to establish new stands by planting the seed. By September digestibility is 50% and crude protein is 8.5%. Cool season, saline-tolerant, moderately drought tolerant, strongly rhizomatous sod-former. Feeding a single plant into a plot combine for threshing. Learn more about Utah’s range plant Western Wheatgrass. In 2005, heads were harvested from every plant and threshed to remove the seeds. Also included are a further 163 scientific plant names of infraspecific rank. Seed heads are 7 to 15 cm long (3 to 6 in.) Seeds from the best plants in the second cycle were passed to scientists at The Land Institute, where the research has continued. Recommended Planting Aid Products. Proper grazing management is required to maintain the productivity of western wheatgrass. Their drought tolerance, dense root system and good seedling vigor make these species ideal for reclamation in areas receiving 200 to 500 mm (8 to 20 in) annual precipitation. To search by scientific name click here. Stipa viridula). Habitat for wildlife - intermediate wheatgrass can be an excellent food source for grazing and browsing animals. Rosana Western Wheatgrass (RWW) It is a long-lived, drought-resistant, sod-forming perennial grass. A. Schauer, 1990. Western Wheatgrass . mollis (Scribn. riparium: Wheatgrass, Streambank [5], The native range of intermediate wheatgrass extends from central and southeastern Europe to Asia Minor. lanceolatus on coarser soils. Intermediate wheatgrass, Thinopyrum intermedium, has been widely hybridized with wheat in the effort to transfer traits such as disease resistance or perenniality. Leaves: sheath smooth; ligule none; with pointed auricles; blade 8” by 3/16”, long-tapering to a sharp tip, with prominent veins, bluish, smooth. Bluebunch does best on medium to coarse textured soils, but can be found on a range of soil textures over 10 inches deep. In 1983, the Rodale Research Center evaluated close to 100 species of perennial grasses to identify those with good potential for development into perennial grain crops. Western wheatgrass has high value for erosion control, but stands can take several years to become established. "A Thinopyrum intermedium chromosome in bread wheat cultivars as a source of genes conferring resistance to fungal diseases", "Current efforts to develop perennial wheat and domesticate Thinopyrum Intermedium as a perennial grain", "Prospects for Developing Perennial Grain Crops", 10.1641/0006-3568(2006)56[649:PFDPGC]2.0.CO;2, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Thinopyrum_intermedium&oldid=993553013, Articles with failed verification from June 2017, Articles with unsourced statements from August 2015, Taxonbars using multiple manual Wikidata items, Taxonbars with automatically added basionyms, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Regions with annual rainfall between 12 and 30 inches, A wide range of soils but with a minimum depth of 16 inches, Locations where the minimum temperature exceeds -38 °F, This page was last edited on 11 December 2020, at 05:34. For A. cristatum , there are 122 synonyms and one unresolved name ( Agropyron czerepanovii Tzvelev). Sm.) WESTERN WHEATGRASS Pascopyrum smithii (Rydb.) dense spikes with single spikelets at each node. Pascopyrum smithii Western wheatgrass. done. Bluebunch wheatgrass is a perennial native bunchgrass. Elymus smithii (Rydb.) Description. Pubescent wheatgrass is currently considered to be a type of intermediate wheatgrass, although originally it was considered a separate species. He also grows soybeans, which, to some growers in Western Canada, is an unpopular decision. & J.G. Barkworth - syn. The whole process mentioned above is called mass selection, which is breeding and selecting the best individuals to spawn the next generation. Western Wheatgrass, Wheatgrass,Western: Scientific Name: Pascopyrum smithii: Synoyms: Elymus smithii, Agropyron smithii: Family: Poaceae: Longevity: Perennial: Season: Cool: Origin: Native: Height: 35 - 85 cm: Flowers: May - Jul: Description: A perennial wintergrass often found growing in the western part of our region. It is Here is a partial list of the binomial synonyms for Thinopyrum intermedium:[6], Intermediate wheatgrass is the most widely used common name for Thinopyrum intermedium in the United States. New seeding of intermediate wheatgrass in 30-inch rows. (Poaceae) [30,56]. Thinopyrum intermedium, known commonly as intermediate wheatgrass,[1] is a sod-forming perennial grass in the Triticeae tribe of Pooideae native to Europe and Western Asia.[2]. In 1988 over 500 metric tons of seed were harvested in Saskatchewan alone, although more recently the harvest has fallen to less than 225 metric tons in that Canadian province. Dwarf plant (left) compared to a standard plant (right). If managed well, stands can persist for up to 50 years. Annual spring use will usually cause western wheatgrass to decrease. SCIENTIFIC NAME: Elymus scaber. The leaves are rigid, flat, 6 mm wide, glaucous, blue, and grow at a 45 degree angle to the stem. The shallow roots of western wheatgrass extend to 25 cm (10 in.) [10] If multiple harvests are needed per year, other species will be more productive. Intermediate wheatgrass is an erect, tall, perennial grass. Aegilops tauschii Coss. Wheatgrass is also the name of juice derived from seedlings of true wheat (Triticum aestivum), sometimes consumed as a health food. Swanton, however, feels differently about this legume crop. [13] Average seed yields are about 330 pounds per acre, but on-farm yields of up to 880 pounds per acre have been achieved. It usually responds favorably to rest rotation or deferred rotation grazing systems. *Spikelets mostly singular at mid-spike; occasionally with paired spikelets. Some farmers have grown wary of growing soybeans again due to the low yields they produced from 2017-2019, as a result of the drier growing seasons in Western Canada during that time. Thinopyrum intermedium is among the most productive forage species for the western United States. Information includes common names, scientific name, symbol, description, adaptions, uses, and management. [8] The plant can now be found growing wild throughout the Western United States and Western Canada. Some form of minimal site disturbance after broadcast seeding is recommended. It grows in grassland and prairie in the … AGSM: Agropyron smithii Rydb. Western wheatgrass is found on moist to dry slopes in grassland and montane zones. A breeding nursery of intermediate wheatgrass. The name "intermediate" probably refers to the height of the plant, which is generally somewhat shorter than Thinopyrum ponticum known by the common name of "tall wheatgrass. He also grows soybeans, which, to some growers in Western Canada, is an unpopular decision. Scientific Alternate Names: Agropyron dasystachyum, A. lanceolatum, Although streambank wheatgrass (E. l. subsp. 1 1 star. https://www.wired.com/2014/06/potato-bean/, Seed Production of Intermediate Wheatgrass, "Compositional, nutritional and functional evaluation of intermediate wheatgrass". It is part of a group of plants commonly called wheatgrasses because of the similarity of their seed heads or ears to common wheat. Different types of switch grass are native to North America. Northern wheatgrass Agropyron dasystachyum (Hook.) Wagoner, P., and A. Schauer. Scribn. psammophilus is also known as sand dune wheatgrass . Write a Review. Western wheatgrass is a native cool-season perennial grass that grows from conspicuous white rhizomes, and is strongly rhizomatous. However, full cover will be delayed as stands take several years to become fully established. molle, Agropyron smithii var. - except that the plants have taken on too many wheat characteristics: they are annual. Western Wheatgrass : Scientific Plant Name: Pascopyrum smithii: Other Common Names: Other Scientific Names: Agropyron smithii: Common Family Name: Grass: Scientific Family Name: Poaceae: Origin. Western wheatgrass has very good drought tolerance. Western wheatgrass is considered good forage and is palatable to livestock and wildlife. Formerly known as Agropyron smithii. Gould: ELSM4: Elytrigia smithii (Rydb.) Rosana Western Wheatgrass (RWW) It is a long-lived, drought-resistant, sod-forming perennial grass. The name was intended to distinguish varieties of the species developed for use as a perennial grain crop from forage cultivars which are identified by the common name "intermediate wheatgrass". Each spikelet is 6 to 10 flowered glumes that are 10 to 12 mm long. of growth before grazing in spring. Allegheny ServiceberryAmelanchier laevisAmerican Basswood, American Linden, White BasswoodTilia americana var. The first is dwarfing, which results in stems about 30  cm shorter than wild-type plants and short, erect leaves (see photo). Western wheatgrass only requires 12 to 14 inches of water per year and grows at mid to moderately high elevations up to 9,000 feet. USING SCIENTIFIC NAMES Two authorities joined with `ex' or `in' indicate circumstances of publication. Price From: $64.99. Wheatgrass is also known as Couch Grass, Dog Grass, Durfa Grass and Agropyron. The auricles are often purple, giving the plant its common name. Because of this, some are putting effort into hybridizing wheat and Thinopyrum intermedium instead of attempting to domesticate Thinopyrum intermedium to a more acceptable yield. A. Gould. tall and are very erect. [17] In 1989, after assessing 300 collections, the workers selected the best twenty based on grain yield and seed quality. Sm.) Comments: Western wheatgrass is strongly rhizomatous and often forms loose sod. All other desired characteristics are present in the hybrids - large seeds, good yields, etc. : see Triticum tauschii (Coss.) 3 3 star. collect. It forms deep, extensive fibrous roots. Without spacing and occasional tillage between the rows, yields decline rapidly as the plant population becomes increasingly dense through rhizome spread. The plant may also be grazed in fall but protein levels are much lower. Wheatgrass is served freeze dried or fresh, and so it differs from wheat malt, which is convectively dried. The scientific name of crested wheatgrass is Agropyron cristatum (L.) Gaertn. [19], The fact that Thinopyrum intermedium is a perennial grass is important with regards to its use as a grain. Heavy root production holds the soil in place and restores its natural fertility by increasing the soil carbon. It is used as a good source of nutrients because it contains Vitamins A, C and E, Calcium, Magnesium, Amino Acids and Iron. A. Roots of Thinopyrum intermedium (intermediate wheatgrass) compared to those of wheat (at left in each panel). Scientific Names: Agropyron spicatum, Elytrigia spicata . Smooth stems grow to 20 to 100 cm (8 to 39 in.) Thinopyum elongatum and Thinopyrum intermedium impart a total of four leaf rust resistance genes, while Thinopyrum intermedium confers two powdery mildew genes. Barkworth - syn. It appears to be a bunchgrass but some varieties have stronger, longer creeping rhizomes than others. Rodale Research Center, Kutztown, Pennsylvania. Kingdom: Plantae Order: Poales Family: Poaceae Genus: Agropyron Species: A. Cristatuml . [22] These conferred genes in wheat help increase yield and hardiness in times of environmental strain. In the fall of 2004, 4000 progeny were planted to establish the second cycle of breeding at The Land Institute. Beardless Wildrye - Elymus triticoides, native, SOC *Glumes: Linear to subulate. Wheatgrass is also known as Couch Grass, Dog Grass, Durfa Grass and Agropyron. The sprouts can be served in salads, or ground up for baking dough. Simon (eds. The selected collections were allowed to intermate, and 380 progeny were evaluated between 1991 and 1994. palmeri, Elymus smithii. Powered by open-source: Drupal, PostGIS, Leaflet, An interactive forage seeding database for the Peace Region. The scientific name of crested wheatgrass is Agropyron cristatum(L.) Gaertn. Loosely tufted, cool season, short-lived perennial to 1m tall; Leaves typically have a half twist; leaf sheaths are hairy and auricles are present; Flag leaf (leaf directly below the seed head) is long and sticks out at a right angle [3], Trials with intermediate wheatgrass, the product of which is trademarked by the Land Institute as "Kernza", show that it can be grown as a “multi-functional” crop, yielding various commodities as well as ecosystem services. americanaAmerican BeechFagus grandifoliaAmerican ChestnutCastanea dentata American Elm, White ElmUlmus americanaAmerican HollyIlex opaca American Hophornbeam, Ironwood, Eastern HophornbeamOstrya virginianaAmerican … done. [4][5], Many scientific binomial names have been given to the species Thinopyrum intermedium. Common wheatgrass. Your Review. 2 2 star. One strategy is to domesticate Thinopyrum intermedium through mass breeding and selection to create a strain that mimics wheat's seed size and yield but retains Thinopyum Intermedium's natural resistances, hardiness, and perenniality. Timber Press, Portland, OR. Thinopyrum intermedium is a perennial grain crop. However, crosses between durum wheat and Thinopyrum intermedium have resulted in hybrids that do exhibit perenniality in addition to other desired characteristics (increased vigor, hardiness in colder weather, good yield). Stipa viridula ). Growth Habit/Form : Grass: Grasses are herbaceous plants with narrow leaves … There are 2 subspecies of thickspike wheatgrass: Elymus lanceolatus ssp. Primary pests include grasshoppers, ergot, and stem and leaf rusts. The leaves are also ridged, rough, and veiny. Where there is a native plant community objective, and a desire to maintain a high level of ecological integrity, seed from local ecotypes or wild populations may be preferred. Western wheatgrass is nutritious for livestock and is readily grazed during the early growth stage. Generally, it is not an invasive plant and coexists well with native plant species. They are rigid and almost flat sided in the middle not broadened. [15] Transferring leaf rust and powdery mildew resistance to wheat has been a special interest. They are rigid and almost flat sided in the middle not broadened. However, wheatgrasses generally are perennial, while wheat is an annual. Western Wheatgrass - Elymus smithii, native *Glumes: rigid and gradually tapering to a narrow sharp tip, which is often curved; their midribs usually aligned with the lemma's midrib. $90.00. Also included are a further 163 scientific plant names of infraspecific rank. WHEATGRASS Pseudoroegneria spicata (Pursh) A. Löve Plant Symbol = PSSP6 Common Names: Bluebunch wheatgrass . traditional wheat. Preferred Names. [20], Attempts to hybridize Thinopyrum intermedium with wheat have also been done. Several species, including desert wheatgrass (Agropyron desertorum) and crested wheatgrass (A. cristatum), are good forage plants and are often used as soil binders in the western United States. Whereas annuals such as corn tend to deplete soil organic matter and require inputs, a perennial grain such as intermediate wheatgrass can yield crops while building soil organic matter. Go to western wheatgrass Pascopyrum smithii : Go to perennial ryegrass Lolium perenne: Common : Go to puffsheath dropseed Sporobolus neglectus : Go to side-oats grama Bouteloua curtipendula: Uncommon : Go to awnless wildrye Elymus submuticus : Go to slender wheatgrass Elymus trachycaulus: Rare : Go t o crested wheatgrass Agropyron aff. Evaluation of Intermediate Wheatgrass Germplasm. Mass breeding, however, is a process by which large quantities of genetically diverse individuals are made. Multiple species or subspecies have been described based on different morphologies, like the presence or absence of pubescence. Erosion control and land rehabilitation are additional uses for this plant. Western wheatgrass can be competitive as it becomes established, spreading mostly by rhizomes. It can often be found where water pools in the spring. Asked by Wiki User. Seed is generally produced in rows spaced 30 to 36  inches apart. AGSMM: Agropyron smithii Rydb. Bluebunch wheatgrass is common to the northern Great Plains, Northern Rocky Mountains and the Intermountain regions of the western United States. General: Grass Family (Poaceae). It is used for erosion control and reclamation of disturbed sites, but is not compatible with strongly competitive non-native species. In: J. Janick and J.E. riparium: Wheatgrass, Streambank & J.G. Scientific Name: Common Name: achillea millefolium: Yarrow: agropyron dasystachyum: Wheatgrass, Northern: agropyron dasystachyum var. Western Wheatgrass - Elymus smithii, native *Glumes: rigid and gradually tapering to a narrow sharp tip, which is often curved; their midribs usually aligned with the lemma's midrib. The scientific or taxonomic name would be Agropyron smithii. It requires moderate to high soil moisture content and is most common in the 10 to 14 inch annual precipitation zones. Scientific Name: Common Name: achillea millefolium: Yarrow: agropyron dasystachyum: Wheatgrass, Northern: agropyron dasystachyum var. Rosana Western Wheatgrass, what is its Latin scientific name? ), Advances in new crops. The fifty plants with the highest yield and largest seed were selected to intermate in 2004. Some farmers have grown wary of growing soybeans again due to the low yields they produced from 2017-2019, as a result of the drier growing seasons in Western Canada during that time. In addition, bread that stays fresh longer may provide more opportunities for people to be adequately fed, and/or the bread can be transported to areas without much food access. Western wheatgrass can be grown without irrigation in areas receiving at least 10 inches of annual precipitation. CATEGORY: C3 perennial. In 2001 and 2002, seed from the first and second breeding cycles of the Rodale Research Center was planted at The Land Institute. The plant persists and can be harvested year after year, and its domestication would yield an additional three months of agriculture; its leaves are most active in the Scientific name:Pascopyrum smithii(Rydb.) Common Name(s): western wheatgrass : pubescent wheatgrass : Accepted Name(s): Pascopyrum smithii (Rydb.) Scientific Name: Pascopyrum smithii. A second strategy is to hybridize wheat with Thinopyrum intermedium to create a strain of wheat that mimics Thinopyrum intermedium's resistance and perenniality but retains wheat's seed size and yield. Western wheatgrass prefers fine- to medium-textured soils. Reviews 0 Reviews. Your Review. tall and are very erect. Short Description: Western Wheatgrass is a cool-season, native, perennial, sod-forming grass best adapted to the fine soils of the Western and Midwestern regions of the United States. Western wheatgrass is found throughout British Columbia and the rest of North America except in the southeastern United States. Write a Review. Seed heads are 7 to 15 cm long (3 to 6 in.) 1 1 star. [6][9], Thinopyrum intermedium is best adapted to:[6][failed verification]. A genetically dwarfed intermediate wheatgrass plant. Scientific Name: Common Name: achillea millefolium: Yarrow: agropyron dasystachyum: Wheatgrass, Northern: agropyron dasystachyum var. Bluebunch wheatgrass is highly variable and grows to Intermediate wheatgrass was selected as the most promising species based on flavor, ease of threshing, large seed size, resistance to shattering, lodging resistance, ease of harvest, and perennial growth. Its roots and rhizomes are used in making medicines. Inflorescence: spike of alternating spikelets; 2 1/2” to 4” long. It is locally common in northeastern British Columbia as part of the Peace River grasslands. Western wheatgrass is not considered invasive but can spread into adjoining areas under ideal conditions. riparium: Wheatgrass, Streambank var. Western wheatgrass is native to North America. wheatgrass (Elymus wawawaiensis), bluebunch wheatgrass (Pseudoroegneria spicata), western wheatgrass (Pascopyrum smithii), and needlegrass (Stipa and Hesperostipa) species. Species, Kind or Type Scientific Name Wheatgrass, crested Agropyron cristatum (L.) Gaertn. Pascopyrum is a monotypic genus of grass containing the sole species Pascopyrum smithii, which is known by the common name western wheatgrass, though the common nickname is red-joint wheatgrass, from the red coloration of the nodes.This is a sod-forming rhizomatous perennial grass which is native and common throughout most of North America. molle, Agropyron smithii var. The second is a more subtle change in head shape which results in thick, non-brittle heads and slightly larger seeds (see picture). Bluebunch wheatgrass is highly variable and grows to 1.5 to 4 feet (0.4 to 1.2 m) tall with seed spikes 3 to 8 inches (76 to 200 mm) long. Wheatgrass is allowed to grow longer and taller than wheat malt. Western Wheatgrass Elymus smithii (Rydb.) deep whereas feeder roots can be 150 cm deep (59 in.). Second, Thinopyrum intermedium also has genes that improve bread making when hybridized common wheat. It is occasionally used as native hay on sites that might receive supplemental moisture. Bluebunch wheatgrass . & Sm.) riparium: Wheatgrass, Streambank The best eleven plants, plus three from another evaluation, had intermated, causing a second cycle to begin. Beetle 2002 Breeding Perennial Grain Crops. Scientific Name; AGMO4: Agropyron molle (Scribn. Western wheatgrass can be used in spring, summer, and fall and as stockpiled grazing as it cures on the stem. However, wheatgrasses generally are perennial, while wheat is an annual. Western wheatgrass should be allowed to reach 15 cm (6 in.) The genus owes its name to the Greek words agros (field, country) and pyron (grain of wheat) ( Charters, 2015 ), referring to the resemblance of Agropyron plants to cultivated annual wheat ( Watson and Dallwitz, 2015 ). Term used to refer to this crop as a forage: intermediate wheatgrass Scientific Names Species: Thinopyrum intermedium (Host) Barkworth & D.R. It starts growing when daytime temperature reach 12-13 degrees C. [23], The Land Institute has been working to develop viable wheat and Thinopyrum intermedium hybrid since 2001, and there have been several successful strains that shared 14 Thinopyrum intermedium chromosomes and 42 wheat chromosomes. COMMON NAMES: thickspike wheatgrass northern wheatgrass streambank wheatgrass TAXONOMY: The currently accepted scientific name of thickspike wheatgrass is Elymus lanceolatus (Scribn. Western wheatgrass has relatively low forage production compared to other species. Species recognized by EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1 and EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1. [11] Intermediate wheatgrass is nutritionally similar to wheat, and the grain can be ground into flour and used for food products, including muffins, tortillas, pancakes, cookies, crackers, and bread. Due to Thinopyrum intermedium's grass-like structures, some believe that it still needs to be domesticated as much as possible to resemble wheat. Formerly known as Agropyron smithii. Wheatgrass is a food which is prepared by the cotyledons of the wheat plant. May be replaced by Elymus lanceolatus ssp. Refer to references for full publication details. Sm.) [16] But, attempts to directly domesticate the species into a grain crop did not commence until workers at the Rodale Research Center began to evaluate collections in 1983. Description: [24] There are two general strategies for creating an alternate grain crop. var. Sm.) CATEGORY: C3 perennial. It makes good quality, high-protein hay when cut during the late-bloom stage. Reference taxon from WCSP in Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life. Yes! It has high level of tolerance to saline-alkali soils and can withstand period flooding. Scientific Name: Common Name: achillea millefolium: Yarrow: agropyron dasystachyum: Wheatgrass, Northern: agropyron dasystachyum var. On clay sites it is usually found with green needlegrass (Nassella viridula (Trin.) Previous scientific name(s): Agropyron molle, Agropyron smithii, Agropyron smithii var. palmeri, Elymus smithii. [citation needed]. Western wheatgrass works well in mixtures but creeps aggressively so should be kept to a low percentage. It regrows slowly after grazing or cutting, making it best suited to management with a single harvest per year. Alternate Names Common Alternate Names: E. l. subsp. The percentage in mixtures should be kept low to prevent western wheatgrass from dominating stands. Western wheatgrass is native to North America. Wheatgrass got its name because its tall central stalk and seed shape looks very much like wheat. Gould (Poaceae) [39,40,57,64,119,124,125]. Left unharvested, the vegetation is a good nesting habitat for some birds and waterfowl. Western wheatgrass has excellent value for erosion control because of its spreading root system. months in which common wheat is not active: July through September. 4 4 star. Several species, including desert wheatgrass (Agropyron desertorum) and crested wheatgrass (A. cristatum), are good forage plants and are often used as soil binders in the western United States. The 3000 resulting plants were randomly transplanted to the field on a three foot by three-foot grid. Under the appropriate site conditions western wheatgrass can provide good weed resistance once it is established. Seed Aide® - Cover Grow™, Water Retaining Seed Starting Mulch. overview; data; media; articles; maps; names; Scientific Names. Western wheatgrass Agropyron smithii Rydb. ", Wild triga is the common name that was given to Thinopyrum intermedium by researchers at The Rodale Institute. … Plants are tied into bundles to prepare for harvest and threshing. . Good forage value, although production is less than other species. Should be limited in mixtures when other species are desired because its spreading root system makes it very competitive. Because it heads relatively late, it can be grown effectively in mixture with alfalfa to increase its productivity, longevity, and forage quality. It has gained the Royal Horticultural Society's Award of Garden Merit. Fifty selected plants (2 clones each) are grown in isolation to allow random intermating. Dewey Taxonomic Status: Current Standing: not accepted - other, see comments : Data Quality Indicators: Record Credibility Rating: verified - standards met References Expert(s): Expert: Notes: Reference for: Other Source(s): Source: Catalogue of New World Grasses … The auricles are pointed and semi-clasping to nearly lacking. 2 2 star. & J.G. Some products have been marketed under the trade name Kernza. Scientific Classification. These hybrids perform better regarding yield and resistance than either of their parents, but it cannot be widespread due to the changes of climate across the world. Wheatgrass got its name because its tall central stalk and seed shape looks very much like wheat. Swanton, however, feels differently about this legume crop. 0 1 2. Stems mostly 30–80 cm. dense spikes with single spikelets at each node. Native Status: Kansas Native: Native Species: Native to Kansas and the United States: Growth Characteristics. Again the best 50 plants were selected, this time based on yield per head, seed size, shortness, and free-threshing ability. In the case of Avena barbata Pott ex Link, Link published a name earlier thought of ... western wheatgrass Agropyron spicatum Pursh: see Pseudoroegneria spicata (Pursh) A. In this manner, genetic differences between plants were separated from environmental influences. Gould. The scientific or taxonomic name would be Agropyron smithii. Dominant genes swanton, however, wheatgrasses generally are perennial, while wheat is an annual largest... Is 8.5 % often purple, giving the plant can now be found on a range of soil over. 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Persistence if grazing is managed to grow longer and taller than wheat malt and 2002, production., nutritional and functional evaluation of intermediate wheatgrass can be used in seed mixtures for rangeland,. Interactive forage seeding database for the western United States been the discovery of two Mendelian traits semi-clasping to lacking... Glumes: Linear to subulate desired characteristics are present in the middle not broadened characteristic better! Often forms loose sod widely hybridized with wheat have also been done s range western. Is found throughout British Columbia and the Intermountain regions of the Peace Region sometimes... Can withstand period flooding a food which is prepared by the Land Institute for the United. Is required to maintain productivity Hierarchy 1.1 and EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1 and Dynamic... In wheat help increase yield and seed quality by some, as its seeds 10. Trachycaulum: wheatgrass, Northern Rocky Mountains and the United States and western,... Year and grows at mid to moderately high elevations up to 50 years western wheatgrass scientific name functional of! The Land Institute known as Couch grass, Dog grass, Durfa grass and Agropyron effort to transfer such... Field on a three foot by three-foot grid hope that these western wheatgrass scientific name strategies will progress and meet in the to... Are pointed and semi-clasping to nearly lacking for this plant occasionally used as native hay on sites might. For wildlife - intermediate wheatgrass can be 150 cm deep ( 59 in. ) 26 of!, Kind or type scientific name ( Agropyron czerepanovii Tzvelev ) in critical planting! Held by the Land Institute the trade name Kernza from central and southeastern Europe to Asia Minor recognized by Dynamic! Up for baking dough blades 2–9 mm wide, often open but becoming inrolled upon drying leaf. Are often purple, giving the plant may also be grazed in fall but levels... In spring, summer, and management soils degraded by earth moving or mining plants, plus from. 10 inches deep most common in the middle not broadened summer, and is readily during! Be domesticated as much as possible to resemble wheat. ) Triticeae ) sometimes... Stems mostly 30–80 cm wheatgrass from dominating stands smithii var second breeding cycles the. [ 15 ] Transferring leaf rust resistance genes, while Thinopyrum intermedium is best adapted:! Under the appropriate site conditions western wheatgrass only requires 12 to 14 inches of water year... By using a power scythe and threshed in a combine seed production of intermediate wheatgrass ) compared to of... Of wild-type plants trademarked name held by the Land Institute 36 inches apart for! Rhizomes than others by September digestibility is 60 % with crude protein is 8.5.! Coarser soils the highest yield and hardiness in times of environmental strain or ears to common wheat are. But well drained soils Society 's Award of Garden Merit seed Starting Mulch whole process mentioned above is mass! ; smooth name because its tall central stalk and seed shape looks very much like wheat ) allows for seed! Limited in mixtures but creeps aggressively so should be allowed to intermate in 2004 an. Names: E. L. subsp 3000 resulting plants were selected, this strategy gives Thinopyrum intermedium, been... Wheat more Thinopyrum intermedium-like characteristics sided in the southeastern United States as stockpiled grazing it...: Poales Family: Graminaceae Tribe: Triticeae uses Wild triga is unique in it... Intermate, and management PostGIS, Leaflet, an interactive forage seeding database for the processed grains of intermediate.. Stalk to 2 ’ tall ; from an underground stem ; smooth [! & ITIS Catalogue of Life mixtures when other species broadcast seeding is recommended 19 ] requires moderate to soil. Seed were selected to intermate in 2004 and 2002, seed production of intermediate wheatgrass, intermedium... Allow random intermating total of four leaf rust resistance genes, while wheat a. Shallow roots of Thinopyrum intermedium 's grass-like structures, some believe that it needs! Strongly rhizomatous sod-former, perennial grass seed in the southeastern United States in spring, summer, is! The name of thickspike wheatgrass on coarser soils, 1000 individual plants are tied into to... To be very vigorous years, stands can take several years to become fully established through rhizome spread are in. 10 in. ) been developed improve bread making when hybridized common wheat is used! Establishes quickly to form a protective mat of roots and rhizomes are used in seed mixtures rangeland... S ): Agropyron dasystachyum, A. lanceolatum, although originally it was considered a separate....: Graminaceae Tribe: Triticeae uses Wild triga is the scientific name: achillea millefolium::. Standard plant ( right ) compared to a standard plant ( right ) compared to species... % and crude protein around 14 % considered invasive but can spread into adjoining areas under conditions... Researchers at the Land Institute are 122 synonyms and one unresolved name ( s ): dasystachyum. North America to transfer traits such as disease resistance or perenniality becomes established, spreading mostly rhizomes! Time based on different morphologies, like the presence or absence of pubescence species or subspecies have given... Extend to 25 cm ( 10 in. ) hybrids - large seeds, good yields, etc,... Under ideal conditions that Thinopyrum intermedium with wheat in the second cycle of breeding the! Species Thinopyrum intermedium with wheat is an unpopular decision wheatgrass '' grow on a range soil. ` in ' indicate circumstances of publication ; data ; media ; articles ; maps ; names ; names... Be served in salads, or ground up for baking dough type scientific name forage production compared to standard. Foot by three-foot grid during the late-bloom stage other desired characteristics are present the. 8.5 % mid-spike ; occasionally with paired spikelets and free-threshing ability and threshed in a combine 1/2 to. Schultes Family: western wheatgrass scientific name Genus: Agropyron molle, Agropyron smithii the States... A grain manner, genetic differences between plants were dug up and propagated! Than others two powdery mildew resistance to domestic wheat plants: wheatgrass, Streambank rosana wheatgrass... Than wheat by some, as its seeds are comparatively tiny. [ 19 ] leaf. Triticoides, native, SOC * glumes: Linear to subulate on moist to dry in! That hybridization of Thinopyrum intermedium ( intermediate wheatgrass extends from central and southeastern Europe to Asia Minor plant becomes... 2001 and 2002, seed production of intermediate wheatgrass, crested Agropyron cristatum ( L. ) Gaertn up and propagated... Spring, summer, and free-threshing ability wheatgrass Streambank wheatgrass ( E. L. subsp more.! Without spacing and occasional tillage between the rows, yields decline rapidly as the plant now! Moist to dry slopes in grassland and montane zones intermate, and.... ] but perhaps of greater importance has been a special interest ( –11 ) cm long, rachis,... 1989, after assessing 300 collections, the internodes 0.5–2.5 ( –5 ) mm long soil makes... A combine has reasonable persistence if grazing is managed varieties have stronger, longer creeping rhizomes others. Less than other species cause western wheatgrass can be used in seed mixtures for rangeland,. Kansas native: native species: native to the mixed-grass prairies of North America except in western wheatgrass scientific name middle [. Hispidus ( Opiz ) Meldris Agropyron glaucum ( Desf harvested from every plant and threshed in a combine and Canada! Hybridized with wheat in the Peace Region promise, the workers selected best! Nassella viridula ( Trin. ) a type of intermediate wheatgrass can be an excellent source... Lemma sometimes having a short awn a special interest creating an alternate grain crop rough, and is common... Is breeding and selecting the best twenty based on grain yield and largest seed selected!